Another reason we might think differently about the crappy things that happen in our lives, is that they can be a part of the creation process. The idea of Contrast is “How would we ever know what we wanted if we didn’t experience crappy things and then notice that we didn’t want that?”
The trouble is, that we can get bogged down in what we don’t want and when we focus on what we don’t want, next thing you know, we’re running around in that yucky feeling manifesting loop, round and round, struggling unnecessarily – creating what we don’t want – i.e. attracting what we are focusing on.
I don’t know about you, but for me trying not to focus on something is a waste of time – it’s like saying “Ignore that elephant in the room.” Almost impossible… And if you’ve managed to ignore that crappy experience for a while and pretend it’s not happening – how did that work for you? I suspect that similar crappy experiences kept happening.
The key to using Contrast successfully, is to look what we don’t want squarely in the face and notice our feelings about that – get curious about and understand anything that needs understanding – then consciously use that knowledge to create something new or change what we care about.. So that from then on, the focus is genuinely on what we do want.
Notice that it’s about our feelings – understanding anything that needs understanding – so that our focus can really be on creating something better or changing what we care really about.
Are you curious to know if that’s true?
And if that’s true, how that might apply to your own life?
Ooooo… Feel the power of that…
Photo: Spotted dog – contrast – get it? That’s my Aussie sense of humor at work. I doubt that slightly worried look on her face is about contrast though. 🙂 Michelle Brannan from Perth is the photographer for this gorgeous girl.