I had an epic fail while I was in the middle of writing this book. You’re welcome to to ask me about it in a live event one day.
In the meantime – if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – is it REALLY a failure? Or is it just another change place on the way to achieving a bigger something that you care about?
Are you CURIOUS to know if that’s true? IS failure just another change place on the way to achieving what you want?
Let’s find out shall we?
Reading sloooowly and doing this while you read. Pay gentle attention to your outward breath and the way that the lower part of your ribs just squashes the air from your lungs. And you’re not doing that on purpose, you’re just noticing the movement of the ribs on the outward breath.
And for another breath…
And another…
And we’re going to sit with noticing the effect of a smile for a few breaths. Smiling with your eyes and noticing what that smile feels like in your body. If this failure is a big one and you can’t find even a tiny smile at the moment, then put a pen between your teeth, because even a fake smile releases the feel good hormones that make these exercises easier.
And another breath…
And another breath…
Feeling like we’ve failed is a big deal, with big feelings, so sit with the breath for as long as you need before reading on…
Can you get CURIOUS about whether it’s true or not “Is this failure just another change place – bringing something you need to change – designed to help you create something better or to change something that you care about?”
Can you get CURIOUS about what that thing that needs to change might be?
Can you FEEL what changes in your body as you feel that curiosity?
For another breath…
and another…
Knowing that the answer can come now or later
And it WILL come.
When you stand up, walk it in slowly as your body processes any change. Flex your feet on the ground, really FEEL them bending and flexing. feel the BEingness of the earth beneath you.
AAAAnd come join us in a live event if you’re in a hurry to figure out what this change might be. There’s a link to the free ones here.
Photo: Arty the wild born, wood duck was crippled as a baby and unable to fly. He came to numerous sleep-over horse and healing workshops with his person Francis Dingle. I can vividly remember the hilarity around our kitchen table when we realized that Frances got up during the night every night for 9 years to this personality plus duck, every time his little murmuring quacks awakened her. This paver to raise money to get the wonderfully unique Nar Nar Goon Light Horse Museum running again, is dedicated to Artie’s memory. As you can see, he lived to a ripe old age.