You can use this quiet mind for understanding a specific fear – like a fear of exams, or public speaking or fear of heights or fear of big animals 🙂 or whatever you want to work on – or you can use it to understand that horrible feeling of dread about money or to understand what’s behind a more general anxiety.
Stuck feelings can be physical too, causing physical symptoms
We’ve talked about all the different ways of experiencing our feelings being stuck – the aches and pains and physical discomforts, that even some physical symptoms of illness are directly caused by stuck feelings – which is why we sometimes get spectacularly immediate results in seminars. We’ve talked about feelings as overwhelming emotions, the pressure of stuck energy, the constant worrying nature of thoughts and ideas in overwhelm – even the despair that heart centered people feel when they are overwhelmed.
These are all ALSO ways that you can feel the intensity of your connection with others. So keep THAT in your mind as we go into this Quiet Mind specially designed to support understanding of fear and anxiety. Once we get into big feeling fears, I can just about guarantee you that not all of the fear is going to be yours.
Let’s be clear on what this means. It means that at least some of your physical aches and pains, physical discomforts and physical symptoms are going to be related to stuck feelings that you have (or can develop) the ability to understand and release. Some of those will be old stresses and tension caused by old suppressed fears that are intensifying whatever is happening in your life, some of them may be about current stresses and fears – your inner guidance system trying to guide you around things that are actually going on in your life right now.
We have also talked about how unacted on and suppressed fear is cumulative – each unacted on fear, is added on to the next, so that you can even have a big fear / anxiety reaction – even a panic attack, made up of a cumulative mixture of smaller things. In fact, you can just about guarantee that panic attacks will have layers of old fear behind them – some of which will not even be yours.
The early warning signal
In my horse programs, we talk about listening to that first early warning signal that something is Not Quite Right, rather than waiting to feel actual fear. In my early work, I was quite happy if I got a mild yucky feeling and acted on it. Pretty soon though I got sick of that and an absence of feeling good became my early warning signal that something was Not Quite Right. This too, is a skill that we can expand on if we desire a happier, more peaceful life.
Repeat as necessary
You can use this Quiet Mind and come back to it for support any time that you need to understand a particular fear that comes up or if you have more general anxiety, you can repeat it for another layer of understanding.
Reiki healing
As I’m doing this meditation, I am also flowing the reiki healing energy to give extra support to you – mentally, emotionally and physically. I give you instructions in the meditation on how best to take advantage of that if you would like to. If you want to know more about reiki, you can find it on this link. Reiki is pronounced ray-key with emphasis on the ray.
If you can’t see or have any trouble with the audio player above, then click here for another version of the audio.
Written version of the audio
My written version is not exact, because I flow with the meditation, being very Present as I record it.
Smile a little and allow that smile to soften your eyes and paying gentle attention to your outward breath…
And the way that the lower part of your ribs just squashes that last bit of air from your lungs…
Notice that at the bottom of the outward breath, there’s a pause coming for a tiny moment to start off with where you don’t need to breath at all (you’re not doing that on purpose, you’re just noticing what’s happening naturally. And then as you’re getting more used to dropping into a Quiet Mind, you can notice that pause starting to get longer and longer and more and more relaxed.
Feel for your heart beat…
And if you can’t quite feel that, then just imagine that you can…
Expand your attention around your body and notice any physical sensations, energy movement, emotions and just observe them and flow with them.
Allow and just smile and let the smile soften your eyes as you welcome any thoughts and ideas that flow through your mind. Notice the patterns of them, notice any emotions brought up by them. Even the most negative thoughts have gold at the bottom of them when we allow them to flow.
Our first decision is to be kind to ourselves in this Quiet mind – so decide that now – say to yourself “I decide to be kind to myself”
And use that reiki energy to support you as you understand whatever it is that you need to understand about being kind to yourself.
In this Quiet Mind we want to – IF IT FEELS GOOD – to decide to understand a fear or anxiety that we have. Part of being kind to ourselves is perfect timing, so have a feel into whether this is perfect timing for you right now. I’ll put one of Deva Premal’s beautiful chants at the bottom of the page if a more general meditation is better for you right now.
So… if it feels good, let us proceed…
Paying gentle attention to your outward breath, allowing your attention to be aware of what your body feels like, heart, energy, emotions, thoughts and ideas – softening your eyes and flowing with whatever comes up.
If anything feels stuck or big, ask for and feel the reiki energy flowing into that part of your body – creating the opportunity for you to understand the message from your own mind, body and spirit…
Deva Premal’s beautiful chant is at the bottom of the page if you’d like to continue your Quiet Mind for longer. Whether all your understanding of this fear has flowed in this time together or whether there’s layers or if your understanding needs to unfold quietly in your own good time, you can smile and get on with your day, knowing that your way – this way – is utterly perfect for you right now.
Feel the clothes on your skin, rub your feet on the floor, rub your hands on your legs and take this lighter you into enjoying the rest of your day.
The Gayatri Mantra is (rather appropriately I thought) about wisdom and enlightenment, through the vehicle of the Sun (Savitr), who represents the source and inspiration of the universe. The Om at the end of the Gayatri Mantra – Om is the name of that inside me that is aware of the unity of all things. I’ve been to their live concerts here in Melbourne and far out… the music is so glorious and the energy so beautiful that you can’t even clap for a while.