Tuesday’s call
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Gosh I can’t believe that I wrote this lesson and then had the experience with KMART that I’ll tell you all about on the call. AND THEN, when I came in to do the connection email because I’d forgotten to do it in all the drama, this email was sitting at the top of my drafts list.
The email heading was “But what if there’s lots to complain about?”
How can I change what I attract with the Law of Attraction when there’s so much very real crappy stuff to complain about?
Every time you notice yourself complaining, take 30 seconds – yes here’s that 30 second rule again, we can all spare 30 seconds – take 30 seconds to take your awareness inside your body, smile a little so that the smile softens your eyes and open up to understand what the Big Picture is behind whatever is going on.
Then smile and get on with your day, noticing how your feelings are guiding you to create the opposite of what you’re complaining about.
This topic is leading us into the next section which is about understanding just how we manifest.
And speaking of the photo: Sweetheart has lots to complain about. He was beaten blind by a human. Yes that’s right, physically beaten around the head that did so much damage he went blind. Stop right there though! You don’t need to feel sorry for him – he’s a powerful horse who created his way to a life he loves, with a person he loves. Just Feel the truth of that…
Compare the KMART episode with how I had been attracting things to be resentful about and how I changed that. Two halves of the same coin lol!
Thursday’s call
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The Paradox of Control
Gosh I hope I can find the words to describe how big and how powerful this is. When I try to control the outcome of my goal or the try to control one of those change places, then I’m either resisting the change place (creating more things to resist) or pushing on the universe ( a waste of time and so darned frustrating!) My friend Steve calls it “arguing with God”. And yet control is what we desire. Why wouldn’t we want control over the chaos and crappy stuff happening around us?
When we feel into ALL the threads around the feelings about whatever it is that we’re trying to control, when we open up to notice the RIGHTNESS behind the WRONGNESS, then we “see / notice / feel all those threads that make up this issue, we align ourselves with the flow of the universe and the control that we can feel in THIS place, is … holy shit… the sky’s the limit, the possibilities are infinite. It’s like we stop telling … let’s use the word God… it’s like we stop telling God HOW to give us what we want and open up to ALL the ways in which we can get what we are creating.
It makes an incredible difference to how easily we move through each change place on the way to what we’re creating AND there’s some REALLY big world type stuff that can be achieved in this… RIGHTNESS.
And here’s the thing… Every single one of you, every time you listen to your feelings and allow the message to flow or if you have to pause and do something to allow the message to flow – every message that you get, every guidance that you feel and take action on, takes you closer and closer to the incredible power of your own creating.
When you listen to your inner awareness, your inner guidance system, It’s like you ADD the power of the universe to whatever it is that you are creating.
And how many of you are already doing that?
Now THAT is control… Far out!
End of clinic checklist
Are you smiling more often? Do you remember to pause and soak up the smileys?
You can download this as a pdf and use it as a kind of tick sheet to give yourself woohoo!s
Back to the original lesson for this week!
It’s a wonderful exercise to decide NOT to judge and NOT to make others wrong – it’s a good start on change, but the way that we do it can actually push happiness further away. In fact, with many people, the intellectual trying causes a suppression of our feelings because we think we SHOULD love that person despite their appalling behavior, or SHOULDN’T make them wrong when clearly what’s happening is awful – and the suppression of our feelings can cause Mt Vesuvius to go off eventually or illness to erupt.
Enter the Paradox in action
See, it’s allowing ourselves to feel the WRONGNESS of whatever it is that upsets us – allowing ourselves to observe EVERYTHING about that wrongness, all the threads about that wrongness, while at the same time being willing and curious and open to understand the RIGHTNESS behind it, THAT provides the infinite possibilities that are to be found at the heart of the Paradox.
The Paradox has layers just like our Inner Awareness does, just like our understanding does, just like our connection with others can, just like our ME’ness does. And we’re all on our own unique journey in using it.
It’s possible to feel good on the journey to ANYTHING
Here’s the thing that I already knew, that’s been thumped into me over and over again in this clinic – it is possible to feel good on the journey to ANYTHING.
It’s possible to feel good on the way to HEALING. If we wait until we’ve healed something before we feel good – we’re going to be spending an awful lot of our lives miserable – because one way or another, our bodies are ALWAYS healing.
It‘s possible to feel good WHILE we’re solving conflict. If we think we’re suddenly going to feel good when we’ve solved a conflict, I would suggest that it probably isn’t really solved at all. And since conflicting desires and different opinions are always going to exist, then waiting until we’ve resolved a conflict to feel good, means we’re going to spend an awful lot of our lives feeling crappy.
It’s possible to feel good WHILE solving a difficult problem. Same deal – if we think we’re going to feel good when we’ve solved that problem, then again, we’re going to be spending an awful lot of our lives feeling crappy – because life is FULL of opportunities – big and little – cleverly disguised as “problems.”
In ALL of these journeys, it’s possible to feel good ALONG THE WAY
Costanza wrote to me this week, with her insight that “the journey itself is the Holy Grail”.
But again – this isn’t an intellectual exercise. It doesn’t work like that. You can’t THINK your way to this. It’s a FEELing thing. We have to FEEL the Truth of it, we have to FEEL the rightness behind the wrongness of whatever it is, we have to FEEL the heart of the Paradox in THIS moment and then in THIS one and then in THIS one.