In the Hayshed
We’ve talked about Vanilla Reiki being “just keep yourself topped up with Reiki and whenever you need to put your hands on someone or something, the Reiki energy will just run on auto pilot. Vanilla is a beautiful thing…
However we can have more than vanilla. 🙂 Working by distance and with these incredibly powerful symbols of Reiki 2 requires a commitment to being in the best space that you can be in that moment. Now if that means that there’s just been an accident in front of you and you’re scared or shocked witless and you turn your Reiki on to help someone, then THAT is the best space you can be in that moment and it’s utterly perfect.
However, once we’re doing Reiki 2 and working on others from that powerful space, we have more of a responsibility to be in the best space that we can be – at the same time, knowing that where we are right now is utterly perfect.
Here’s an example of what I mean. I had a very yucky nightmare the other week and I woke up disturbed by it and those feelings weren’t going away. Outside of an emergency, it would NOT have brought a perfect outcome, to go into a healing session feeling like that. I had to meditate on the nightmare – specially the feelings raised by the nightmare – to bring me back into balance before I did any healing work that day.
I prefer to attend to whatever yucky feelings that happen as soon as they happen – but these days, I would certainly attend to any kind of disturbance before I did a healing session on someone else, because it would cloud my working intuition to go into a healing session already feeling yucky.
We have this useful metaphor, that we can’t hear the telephone ringing for the sound of the vacuum cleaner. We can’t hear our intuition working if it’s already in overload trying to tell us about something else.
And going into a healing session with a clouded intuition would mean that I am not as Present as I could be, that my understanding isn’t flowing as well as it could be and that would mean that the client would get less than my best.
Now I have to tell you, that I’ve been working as a “healer” with Reiki and kinesiology and dozens of other modalities for over 20 years now and there was many, MANY, maybe even MOST times, that my intuition was not working as well as it could be. And every session I did on myself and every session I had with others and almost everything I learned, I got stronger and clearer and I had some whopping successes back in those days just like I do now.
There’s perfection even in imperfection… 🙂 God or The Universe sends us exactly the right people for the stage we’re at and we can have confidence in that.
Here’s a different kind of example: I had an argument with my husband just before I had to go into a healing session and needed to balance and ground myself to be unaffected by THAT while I was working. Since everything happens for a reason, I needed to mention that to the client. “I had a bit of an argument with my husband just before you arrived. Since everything happens for a reason, is there anything about that, that means something to you?” Do we need to add dealing with / understanding a conflict in their lives to the session?
The one thing that would NOT be OK, would be to put a smiling face over feeling crappy and pretend to something we are not.
The more authentic WE are, the better our understanding will flow, the better the session will be. And that authenticity is the way that I prefer to start, end and live every day.
The Hatsurei-Ho is another way of preparing for your day
For those who like a more formal approach to preparing for their day (and I expect that there will be plenty of you), the Hatsurei-Ho is a meditation that you can use before the day’s healing sessions, taken from the Usui handbook. If you prefer to be guided in your meditations, click here for a Youtube leading you through the Hatsurei-Ho.
HatsuRei Ho has the following steps:
1. The intention to start HatsuRei Ho.
2. Dry bathing, with the intention of brushing your energy clean. You can use your Cho Ku Rei to aid in that process:
• sweep your right hand from your left shoulder across to your right hip, brush your energy clean;
• then with the left hand, brush the energy clean from your right shoulder to left hip;
• then repeat both sides again, brushing the energy clean as you do it;
• then using your right hand, brush from the left shoulder down to left hand and brush the energy off your finger tips;
• then using your left hand, brush the energy from your right shoulder down and off the fingertips on your right hand;
• then repeat both those two arm brushes once more.
3. Joshin Koku Ho – cleansing breath
As you breathe in, raise your hands high up into the air, connect to your Reiki energy, intend and feel the Reiki flowing into your hands, running downwards through your whole body. If visualising is your thing, you can visualise your Reiki energy as golden love and light coming in through your crown chakra and down to your tandien or Hara ( the power centre located two fingers down and in from your navel). Let the light expand throughout your body and fill you. Then breathe the excess light out into the universe. Continue for a few minutes.
4. Gassho – praying hands Then bring your hands down to Gassho position – that’s hands in prayer position, base of thumbs against your heart chakra, attention focused on your middle fingertips and with hands in Gassho, then next step…
5. Seishin Toitsu – concentration. Intend and notice your Reiki energy coming through your hands into your heart chakra, (you can also use your Reiki symbols) and flowing down to your tandien, filling your Hara as you breathe in and then as you breathe out, the energy flows out through your heart chakra and hands. Don’t struggle to do this, just set the intention, smile a little with soft eyes and ALLOW the intention itself to flow that energy. If visualizing is your thing , then you can visualise your Reiki energy as as golden or violet light. Continue for a few minutes and feel the energy building. 🙂
6. Then finish with the intention that you have completed HatsuRei-Ho and soak up appreciation for both the process and the outcome.
If you stay focused, HatSurei-Ho should only take you about 7 minutes, so it can fit fairly easily into your morning.
You’ll find an excellent blog here for more information about the Hara and the Dantien
Essential or not?
Some Reiki masters think the Hatsurei-Ho is an utterly essential start to every day. It hasn’t been that for me. I have preferred to go down the personal authenticity / expansive understanding route to my balance. I would suggest doing this meditation every day for a week and see if you feel different. If it adds to your ease of Feeling, if it adds to being Authentic and Present – then it’s well worth doing!
Up Next:
Every “healer” should have an understanding of the fascinating interrelatedness of the body. You can skip on over to the next lesson on the link below or wait ’til your email tomorrow. 🙂
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