If you’ve been doing horse work with me, you already know that we ALL experience our connection to others – to horses, to people and other animals – in our own unique way and that it’s not just “special” people who do that. We talk in our horse work about the five ways of feeling for others – physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically and with our hearts.
In the natural ebb and flow of life, we can feel other’s feelings so intensely that we think it’s our own. Like OUR feelings, when we feel someone else’s feelings it’s because there’s something for us to know or do about it – KNOW or DO. It’s not always something that we have to take action on.
Strong feelings doesn’t make it yours
I often see people thinking that because what they are feeling is intense, that it has to be theirs.
The intensity simply comes from the ignoring the feelings – whether they’re ours or someone else’s and it can come from the accumulation of lots of those buried feelings.
Our feelings are our Inner Guidance system – we are MEANT to pay attention to them. We’ll talk more about how we use our feelings in the creation process in the next lesson and how our Reiki can help that process.
As your Reiki work progresses with a commitment to enjoy life with everything that means about looking after yourself, you’re going to become more and more Present, more and more aware of your own feelings and more and more aware of others and more and more authentic. Being authentic simply means being in touch with your feelings and guided by them to find the incredible comfort, peacefulness, joy, strength – and more – that comes from knowing and being who you really are.
Let’s talk about these five ways of experiencing our own unique connection to others and how that might crop up in a Reiki healing session and what you can do about it.
Everyone will experience their own unique combination of these five Feels.
The Five Feels and how you experience your connection to others with them in a Reiki session
Physical feel
Physical feelings are part of our internal guidance system. When physical feel is one of our strengths, we will feel some of our guidance physically and we’ll feel our sensitivity physically as well.
So… Physical feel people will often feel their own messages AND other people’s stuff as physical discomfort, aches and pains, physical tension, maybe breathing restrictions, and if you ignore it often enough for long enough – eventually even illness. Whether it’s yours or someone else’s, suppressing the message, suppressing the guidance can do physical harm as well. In other words – not paying attention to the physical feelings, not understanding them, ignoring and burying the message actually does physical harm to your body – eventually a LOT of physical harm if you do it often enough.
If you are feeling fine beforehand and then you’re doing a Reiki session with someone and suddenly feel a pain or discomfort or tension somewhere – it is highly unlikely that it’s yours. Say something like “I’m feeling a pain in my right shoulder. Does that mean anything to you?” You could also use this experience to put extra symbols into this area.
If it doesn’t mean anything to them, check your working posture in case the answer is that simple 🙂 and if it’s not, decide to notice what it’s about at the end of the session.
Emotional feel
Emotions – fear, anger, frustration, sadness, grief, depression, happiness, joy, excitement – these are all emotional feelings to be experienced and guided by.
So if you’ve been feeling fine as you come into a Reiki session with someone else and all of a sudden you feel a fear or an anger or sadness or whatever – it is highly unlikely that it’s yours. So call it to their attention by saying something like “I’m feeling sad. Is that you feeling sad?”
You can use this experience to put extra Sei He Ki’s in, or use the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to go back in time and/or space to the initial sadness that is coming up and help them to expand their understanding of it.
As they understand it pfft! it’s gone. That pfft! is the sound of an instantly disappearing little miracle. Just like your discomfort will be gone pfft! as you understand and take the action for or about your client.
Energetic Feel
People with energetic feel as part of their natural strength, experience the same thing – they will feel other people’s stuff as stuck energy and if they don’t listen to that, the energy can get so stuck it’s explosive.
AND, just like the other feels, the movement of energy in and around you is your Internal Guidance System at work, whether you’re feeling your own energy or someone else’s – the same Internal Guidance System that is guiding you towards ALL your hopes and goals and dreams AND guiding THEM to all their hopes and dreams too.
So if you come into a session feeling completely OK and then start feeling stuck energy, then it’s likely to be theirs 🙂 Call it to their attention and please feel free to show them any of the pages from your Reiki manual that you think might help their understanding of their experience.
Or maybe you feel that it’s better to not call it to their attention and just use your Reiki symbols to unblock that energy.
I personally think that knowledge is power, so I will almost always have a discussion that will support them to expand their understanding of what this change place and what their internal guidance system is telling them at the moment, but that depends on how confident you feel in that explanation. You are welcome to give them a copy of Pathway to Heaven with its explanations and stories of those explanations. Just email me and I’ll email it to them.
Mental feel
Mental feel is about the thoughts and ideas that come across your mind that are your Inner Guidance system at work. When that’s a part of your natural strength and you don’t listen to it, you will just about worry yourself crazy. A mind that has trouble slowing down enough to sleep is a symptom of mental feel in overwhelm.
It makes no difference at all, whether they were your thoughts or someone else’s – they are part of your Internal Guidance System for your own goals and dreams. And if the thoughts are someone else’s, then in some way, your goals and dreams are tied up with theirs. Does that make sense? We’ll be talking more about goals and dreams and the process of creation in the next lesson.
When you have persistent thoughts happening in a Reiki session, or a phrase from a song or anything else persistently on your mind, the odds are that those thoughts will have something to do with that person or animal. Like always, bring it to their attention and/or use your symbols to support them to expand their understanding. Be careful not to interpret the message.
Heart feel
And we complete the picture of our five Feels with Heart Feel. The heart feel people are those incredibly gentle people who automatically go looking for the understanding behind someone else’s behavior with no blame or judgement and find great strength in that. Their hearts are wide open with unconditional love when they’re in balance and in despair when they’re going against their natural way of feeling and not understanding their messages.
In the Hayshed
I have often had experiences where I have an appointment with someone coming up soon and I’ll start to feel anxious or my heart is racing, or I suddenly develop a pain. It’s not rocket science that I’m feeling them coming.
This is a wonderful opportunity for me to figure out what I need to know or do for or about them before they even arrive. It means that I NEED to spend a little time figuring out what to know or do for or about them before they arrive – that it’s not going to be so easy to attend to it while they’re here.
As I’m writing these notes for you, I’m wondering if there’s something of my own that might have been triggered by them and made it a bit harder. What I KNOW it means, is that I have time to find my balance, find my understanding and be able to support them with the best session possible. What a blessing!
Up Next:
Oh you lovely people, you are in for a treat with this next lesson. It helped me SO much! You can skip on ahead with the link below or wait for your email.
Click here for Lesson 11 – how you can use your Reiki in the creation process.
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Click here for Doing a distance healing session