My plain vanilla Reiki
In a short period of time around my master attunement, I experienced a flood of understanding that changed the way that I used my Reiki.
For 20 something years, I’ve been using my Reiki in a lovely way that I am now calling plain vanilla – because it’s a plain, simple way that I’ve been using my Reiki.
I had always used it in the way of “keep myself topped up with the Reiki energy every day and the healing energy flows automatically whenever I needed to work on myself or someone else”. That’s a lovely, simple way to use it and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve simply been keeping myself topped up every night with my Reiki energy and my hands have been flowing.
It’s absolutely OK to use your Reiki like that – it served me well for more than 20 years. In fact it’s not just OK – it’s utterly RIGHT, if vanilla is what you are looking for. 🙂
It’s just that there are so many other flavors for our Reiki – there’s so much else we can do with it!
For those of you who are on a mission to make the world a better place, I think this understanding will help – so here goes!
Using our Reiki in the creation process
We can use our Reiki to bring ease and a greater understanding into the whole life / creation process. Oh you lovely people, there’s some powerful deep and meaningful stuff coming up in this lesson. 🙂
By definition, because I don’t ALREADY have what I want, then something (or more likely lots of somethings) will have to change in order for me to reach my dream. Does that make sense?
All these lines on the diagram below, represent the things that have to change in order for me to have what I want or for me to reach that dream.
I call them change places.
Some of these change places are small, some are big and some are expansively, life transformational. Some places slide in easily and we hardly notice them, some of them are ahhaaa moments like shining a flashlight on the picture and getting an understanding of this problem, or feeling, or crappy situation – and some of them are monumental expansive ahhaa moments that just about knock your socks off. (I do a lot of laughing and crying with those ones. 🙂 )
Whether they are small change places or big ones, small understandings or monumental ahhaaa moments, with that expansion of understanding comes clarity and peacefulness – even excitement and joy. It’s the UNDERSTANDING of these change places and taking action on them if you need to, that brings the ability to enjoy the journey to the dream.
Let’s just pause on that concept for a moment because if you haven’t heard it before, it could be life changing.
[framed_box style=”note”]It’s the understanding of those change places and taking action on them if you need to, that makes it possible to enjoy the journey to even the biggest goals and dreams..[/framed_box]
This diagram gives you a visual idea of these change places. Read this diagram from the bottom to the top.
Some change places are actions that I need to take – things that I actually have to DO; some are beliefs that are not true and no longer serve me; some change places are about needing to KNOW about something that happened to ourselves, something from our past ( you can relax because the right answer ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS feels good); and some change places are about something to know or do for – or about – someone else. Pay attention to that important piece there folks – SPECIALLY when you’re working with a client. 🙂
And here’s the key issue – my soul uses my FEELINGS to guide me to what it is that has to change in order to reach my dream, or whatever it is that I want – the same feelings that we talked about in the last Lesson, number 10.
Yet, we resist our feelings and way too often STRUGGLE in this process, going round and round in circles, feeling buffeted by life.
So, how to make those change places as easy as possible?
Appreciation is the fastest path to manifest positive change in our lives – to drop the struggle, to get through those change places easier and more smoothly. But we can’t fake gratitude and appreciation. It’s pretty hard to feel gratitude and appreciation for some crappy thing happening in our lives if we don’t see/understand the Big Picture.
Really FEELING appreciation for an illness or accident, for someone’s “bad” behaviour or for some kind of crappy circumstances in our lives – that requires understanding of the Big Picture of whatever is going on. It requires understanding of The Truth of whatever it is that is going on.
And that can be about changing some very foundational, deep and meaningful beliefs. I’ll give you an example of this in a Hayshed chat. 🙂
There’s no coincidence that “everything happens for a reason” is such common saying and belief. We may not always know what that reason is behind something crappy that’s happening in our lives, but it’s like this sixth sense we have, that such a reason really does exist.
Understanding the Big Picture of what is really going on, understanding The Truth about whatever crappy thing is going on in our lives, or in other people’s lives, or in an animal’s life IS about understanding the reason that this crappy thing is happening.
And once we get used to looking for the understanding and get lots of validation that there really IS a reason for everything, then it’s so much easier to release our resistance to that understanding when the tough things come up.
Here’s the big deal folks
In the mean time, we can use Sei He Ki (God and man become one) and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (open up the book of Life and now read) and Cho Ku Rei (Place the power of the Universe here), to balance our Third Eye whenever we notice that we have some kind of resistance to understanding the Truth behind an illness, condition, an emotional stress or tension or any other crappy thing that is happening in our lives.
And I am by no means making light of the seriously difficult stuff that happens in our lives too when I talk about this process. Expanding our understanding of the big T Truth, works for EVERYTHING.
Whether it’s for ourselves or when we’re acting to support others, we can use our symbols to understand and thus release whatever is in the way of this mind / body / spirit healing the way it was designed.
The right answer, The Truth, ALWAYS feels good.
And the Release that comes from understanding the real Truth can phenomenally accelerate physical healing.
In the Hayshed:
Gosh I’ve had so many examples of things that I thought were crappy and yet when I looked at them, brought enormous ahhaa moments for positive change in my life, that I’m having trouble thinking of just one. So let’s make this one about you. 🙂
Have you ever had someone’s “bad” behavior bring you a big fat cloud with a silver lining? i.e. had someone’s bad behavior been the catalyst for something good to happen? Have you noticed how often that happens? It’s because that’s a change place. If they DIDN’T behave badly, if that crappy thing HADN’T happened, then you wouldn’t have been driven into that change place and you wouldn’t have got what you wanted.
Sometimes the “bad” behavior or crappy situation is about a contrast that has us thinking “Gee I don’t want THAT in my life, I’d like THIS instead please”.
Sometimes it’s about reminding US not to behave like that – enabling us to see a little bit of our own behavior that does not reflect who we really are.
Sometimes it’s to drive us to take an action for a change that has to happen for our next step.
SOMEBODY or SOMETHING has to drive us to that change – so we should be blessing them for that hey? My friend Steve is an elder in his church and came up with this expression “Don’t argue with God”, because the time and energy you spend on arguing could have been spent on figuring out the blessing in it. 🙂
Here’s a great lesson from Oliver’s Diaries that demonstrates this perfectly. Ignore the forum link to Oliver’s Diaries at the end of the page, it doesn’t apply to this program. The password is… spirit.
Up Next:
Understanding and letting go of our Resistance to our OWN internal guidance system – gosh this is a biggie and it’s sooo…. cool to have a solution for this one! You can skip ahead if you like, or wait until tomorrow’s email.
Click here for using our Reiki to help us with our Resistance to our own guidance
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Click here for Understanding our connection to others