Using our Reiki to understand and release our own resistance
Using our Reiki to help us to let go of Resistance
I’m assuming that you’ve read the info around that diagram above, so if you haven’t, jump on up there and read that now, so that the following makes sense.
When what we REALLY want to be doing is this:
By definition, if I am manifesting something that I want, then I don’t have it yet and something has to change in order for me to get that thing, that experience, reach that dream, whatever it is that I am manifesting. When you think about it, resisting whatever change that has to happen in order for me to create whatever it is that I want – resisting that change – is pure crazy, hey?
I’m darned if I know why we resist our feelings and resist our understanding, when the Truth ALWAYS feels good. I haven’t experienced any great epiphanies about that yet. The one thing I DO know though, is that letting go of that resistance, melting off that resistance and allowing the understanding to flow, feels oh so incredibly, incredibly good.
And THAT is the key to living life feeling good, with lightness of spirit.
From that place of Inner Awareness, you can just DECIDE to notice any resistance to such a perfectly good change place. Then when you do notice a resistance, you can use any or all of your Reiki symbols on your Third Eye to support you to find the peacefulness and relief that comes from expanding your understanding.
We can use our Reiki symbols, the Cho Ku Rei, the Sei He Ki, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, even our master symbols if we have them, in any combination that feels good, every time we notice a resistance to either our feelings or the understanding that will make ALL our feelings feel good. We can put the symbols into our Third Eye, we can put them into our brain, or our hearts or our gut (which acts as a second brain). We can put them into our aura, our environment, into mother Earth herself. Splash our symbols around wherever and whenever we want more understanding, more appreciation and more expansion.
Then smile and get on with our day – knowing that the energy is flowing, knowing that the understanding has been set in motion…
Put your Reiki symbols into the situation
You can also put the symbols on the situation itself, to support positive change.
Do you understand what I mean? We don’t need permission to put our Reiki into a SITUATION, to support positive change, because that is supporting the other person to move through THEIR change places on the way to THEIR dreams too. Putting the symbols into the situation will also help US to find the understanding and the peacefulness and compassion that comes from that understanding.
So if I have an argument with my husband and I don’t understand it or him in this moment, I can’t do a healing session on him because I don’t have his willing permission. What I CAN do is to put the symbols into the SITUATION, that will help me to expand my understanding of this situation in a way that supports him too.
Relationship problems could become so much easier using our Reiki like this – because WE are being the change that we want to see in the world – which is the most powerful way that we can create an opportunity for change in others too.
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