What do YOUR secret dreams with your horse have to do with Christmas?
Well – and yes this IS the same subject you’ll see in a minute – I’ve been invited to present at a big international horse expo that is expecting up to 3/4 million people through it. The filming I did for this expo, combined with an utterly heart opening, inspiring Masterclass that we did here recently, made me realize that our dreams with our horse that we might have given up on because they’re just too hard to achieve, don’t have to be given up on at all unless we choose to.
And I know from first hand experience, there are many ways to reach our dreams.
I advertised for a troubled horse to film for the expo lesson and found a wild caught, very traumatized brumby and his lovely owner who’d only been in horses for two years and he was one of the two brumbies that were her first two horses. That’s Joe in the photo above, before his breakthrough.
Sight unseen because it felt so right, I hired a professional cameraman, drove 400 kms and we filmed them having a lesson with me on Feel.
What IS Feel for your horse?
In the doco I talk about Feel for your horse being the key to the kingdom of horses.
Feel is the doorway to EVERYTHING worth having.
Here’s a direct quote from the documentary. “Feel is the foundation of communication that makes your horse dreams and goals possible.
It’s the foundation that makes it possible to reach those goals AND while you’re doing the goal thing, Feel is what makes it possible to feel that glorious feeling that inspired you to want to be with horses in the first place.”
Do you remember the feeling that inspired you to want to be with horses way back in the beginning? What attracted you?
For me it was the freedom and power and excitement of them. I was drawn to the dancing horses of the Spanish Riding School in some old Disney movie, then the poignancy of Black Beauty grabbed me by the heart and the staple of every horse loving Aussie child, the Silver Brumby series was one of my favourites.
I still remember the awe of those horses dancing; I wished I could leap through the pages and help Black beauty find his happy place in the world; and ahhh the yearning I felt that a wild horse would love me.
Others have told me their first feeling that made them want to be with horses was a deep feeling of love, or peacefulness, or bubbling happiness, pure expansive joyfulness or an immensely satisfying feeling of rightness.
Do you get it? That glorious feeling good feeling, IS the most important thing. Those feelings ARE the reason you wanted to be with a horse in the first place. If we turn things around and make those good feelings the FIRST thing, THEN the goals you want to achieve or the things you want to do with your horse become sooo much easier.
And THAT’s what we do these days as we teach people Feel for their horse.
Have a think about what this would mean to you
This little horse we chose for the documentary, was so scared that he had never voluntarily touched a human – well, before that day anyway. If he was boxed into a corner, he would submit to being caught, but he’d literally shake the whole time he was having his feet trimmed or whatever.
And because the camera is time stamped I can see how incredibly FAST things happened.

It was about 7 minutes after getting into the paddock and Dawn made HER breakthrough into bubbling with happiness. With THAT gorgeous leadership – and I only called her attention to her Feel – this still wild, traumatized brumby made HIS breakthrough into happiness in just under an hour.
In just under one freaking hour, he reached out and touched her – reached out and touched a human voluntarily for the very first time and he bubbled with happiness doing it.
THAT folks, is what we do here. THAT is the kind of thing that’s possible when you work with Feel for your horse.
Imagine what YOU could do with this?
If Dawn can achieve that in a lesson so fast, imagine what you could do, who doesn’t have such a troubled, desperate horse? Imagine the confidence you could get? The fun you could have? The secret dreams you could achieve? (There’s the link to the secret dreams thing! 🙂 )
She says in the doco “I didn’t notice those feelings until you called my attention to them.” THAT’s my job, THAT’s my super power – being able to feel other people feeling for their horse and opening them to notice that. So yes if you join our lovely community, the free lesson you get with me when you buy Fast Track, is worth it’s weight in gold and I always recommend people use it to help establish their Feel.
Here’s why you want Fast Track now.
We’re making some dramatic changes to our flagship Fast Track program in the new year. We’ve seen the incredible progress that happens in a deeper mentorship, in a masterclass that we ran recently and have decided to bring that mentorship opportunity for people just starting out in the program, to make big breakthroughs straight away. (Masterclass folks feel free to comment in the Comments section!)
These brand new mentored positions are going to be INCREDIBLY limited. No decisions yet on how many, we’re having a staff meeting about it soon.
Those people who have already bought Fast Track will have first option of that fully mentored class, that will give you the opportunity to find that bubbling with happiness that Dawn and Joe found, that is the FOUNDATION for EVERYTHING else. Current fast track people, even though we haven’t worked out exactly how much it’s going to be, you can email me if you want to put an early deposit down on that.
Imagine what it will be like to bring Dawn and Joe’s feeling of bubbling with happiness into float training? Or teaching your horse to pick his/her feet up? Or learning to tie up? Or to not being scared of motor bikes out on the trail? To learning a beautiful shoulder in? To chase a cow? To saddling and bridling happily? To being caught even, for very many horses? Imagine bringing those kinds of gorgeous feelings to ANY kind of problem solving?
Make your Christmas present the one of feeling glorious with your horse.
Once you’ve purchased Fast Track, you’ve put yourself in the front of the queue to be able to put your hand up for one of those mentorships. You don’t need to actually start the program straight away. You can wait til after Christmas. You tell me when you’d like to start and I’ll keep an eye out for you, even remind you if you need reminding. We’ll talk about that when I see your purchase come through or email me if you need to discuss anything.
Fast Track to Brilliant Riding