When we’ve spent a lifetime suppressing fear – being brave, getting back on that horse, pull your socks up and get on with it, face the fear and do it anyway and other self sabotaging ways of dealing with life – we haven’t just suppressed the fear into our bodies, we’ve suppressed excitement too. Fear and excitement both run out of the adrenal glands and when we’ve suppressed fear and ignored the resulting anxiety often enough then we can’t tell them apart and BOTH of them get stuck in our bodies, causing all kinds of overwhelm including ill health. One of the great joys in my life is helping people recognize stuck excitement in their bodies. It literally changes their world – their health, their relationship with their horse, other relationships – it literally means more success in everything that you do.
You’ll hear in the seminar that Marisa was a new student coming into February’s clinic, who thought she had a broken, anxious horse – and it turned out that what she was feeling was actually her horse’s excitement. She’s not broken at all!
And Adriane… she’s cracked the holy grail of feel good that’s available to EVERYone. You’ll hear how an incredibly complex career in law enforcement meant that she had mountains of suppressed feelings and had been crushed by grief and depression. Her mastery of her Feel for effortless feeling good as she’s dumping old crap from AND the effect of that effortless cleaning up of old crappy emotional stuff had on her horses – well, you’re going to have to listen to it yourself.
Adriane emailed after this live session and said “WOW! Just wanted to let you know I’ve never felt soooo solidly grounded – feels like I’m connected to the middle of the earth. YUMMY! Thanks more than I can say! Hugs Adriane.”
Something incredible happens when we gather for a clinic. It brings a new ease for breakthroughs of all kinds. If you want your own version of that effortless feel good that Adriane’s found and if you want to know how to use excitement for a wonderful life in and out of horses, we start a four week on-line Masterclass the Thursday after Easter 13th April. Read about that Masterclass here and then check with Jenny to find out if you qualify or whether there’s another option to get what you’re looking for.
The emailbook that I referred to in the seminar is “Holy shit is that really true?” It’s a foundation for everything else. You can read here why the delivery system of this book is such a big deal.
And if your ears pricked up at me dropping three dress sizes and “feeling so good you could bottle it up and sell it”, you can read about that here. 🙂