I was literally grabbed by the heart when I read this on Valezka’s website a moment ago.
“If you think you can save me, you are mistaken. But if you know that your freedom is bound to mine, then we can walk together.”
Amber Light Horse
You can see her amazing pastels of light horses and light beings, painted with both hands at the same time as she is channeling the paintings (what the? How does she DO that???) on her Facebook page.
Valezka is a one time student, a friend, an amazing being herself…
Oh, Jenny, On seeing Valezka’s pictures, I think of the realms where Walter now manifests. These images are beyond artwork, they’re messages from another dimension! Thank you for sharing Valezka’s link!
They sure are! I guess the way that she paints with both hands working at the same time and so clearly working from deep inside herself. I have a feeling that she is going to be a famous artist and I’ll be able to say ” hey I knew her back when…” !! 🙂 🙂