Here are some testimonials from and stories about some of our amazing students. The first few rows contain links to our blog series of Horse Magic student stories – click through to watch their video stories.
[one_half]The Healing of Pye
[one_half_last]Mandy’s natural ability unblocked
[one_half]Kristina heals her crippling arthritis
[one_half_last]Compassion overload causes harm?
[one_half]Sue & Oz’s transformation
[one_half_last]A story of impossible healing (no video)
I just felt great…I don’t have that little thing holding me back…That old thing that just kept saying you’re not enough, you’re not enough is just gone!
– Double World Champion Reining Rider Kristine Nesbitt
…The way (Jenny) works with you is light-years ahead of the traditional riding instruction!
– Mary, England
…Thank goodness I was led to Jenny Pearce’s way of teaching… Absolutely nothing compares… No fear, mutual respect, a bond I only ever dreamed of having…
– Marie, New Zealand
…If you want to LEARN “feel” and LEARN how to open your heart to reveal all the skills you have inside you to eventually be on a par with all the great horsemen, there is no other way that I am aware of to do that, to LEARN that, than by taking one of Jenny’s courses.
Jenny actually TEACHES you HOW to achieve inner awareness, HOW to manifest change, HOW to develop “feel” which leads to partnership, harmony, communication, healing…
– Corey Mindin, New Zealand
I do not mind whether I am on the FastTrack or the SlowTrack, as long as I am on JENNY’S Track, that’s all I can say.
I can assuredly tell you, that I have learned more about the way I want to be with my horses in about 18 months with Jenny than I ever did in the previous 10 years, and working with people on site at that . . . this was all online, except for the excitement of one half day visit with Jenny (where it was obvious to see she actually LIVES what she teaches). I knew where I wanted to be, (and it was NOT using the myriad of horse training styles I had sourced over those previous many years) was on the right path, but didn’t quite know how to put it all together and how to get there, til Jenny showed me.
I still had a lot of fear (though I have beautiful caretaker horses as Jenny would call them) physical issues (spinal fusion many years ago, and more recently two knee replacements) as well as the ‘gift’ of age (hhhmmm sometimes does not feel much of a gift when you feel stiff and sore!). Jenny has been able to guide me through all of these things, including the physical issues to make me the best ‘me’ I can be at this stage of my life, the support is phenomenal, the financial investment is worth every cent and is actually so much more value for money than anything I have ever done before. Meeting like minded people, who will ‘walk a mile with you’ has been such a joy as well.
My final point is this, you likely have heard the saying ‘it is better to teach someone to fish, than to give them fish to eat, because then they can sustain themselves’ (well, it goes something like that anyway!) and THAT is what Jenny does – teaches us to be self supporting, but the helping hand is always available as required. I cannot speak highly enough of Jenny either as a person or a teacher. Should anyone wish to ask me any other questions that I have not touched on here, I would be happy for Jenny to put you in touch with me.
– Jan Dodds, Adelaide, Australia
Student Story
Suze found a new liberation in her body in our morning walk/runs that she hadn’t felt since before she had children and through that experience in her own body, improved her own riding seat too (which is exactly the purpose behind the simulations on our morning walk/runs).
Her recently bought horse Solnar arrived a windsucking, pacing, weaving from side to side, nervous wreck and made an enormous relaxation breakthrough, I think it was the afternoon of Day 2. That was the last we saw of the weaving.
Then we watched Suze slowly and patiently lay every step of preparing to ride and then riding, into Solnar’s relaxation.
He even found a naturally elevated back in self carriage by the end of the week. OMGoodness that horse can move beautifully. What a star!
Here’s some feedback from Suze a couple of weeks after our clinic…
Sol is a different horse. Agistees at the paddock have noticed the shift. He’s more relaxed, yet more energetic! (more of the “right” energy!!) I’ve only had one ride so far, a stroll in search of grass – felt more aware and more connected (at all levels)! The effect of the whole week is rippling out into all layers of my life…hard to explain but will have to keep you posted over the next….several years?!!!!! haha xx
A life-long horse fanatic, from a 3 year old child through to middle age adulthood, I witnessed so much that left me feeling cold, and sick to the stomach, when it came to how humans interacted with horses. There was the “old school”, there was the “new school” of horsemanship, and yet I saw the horses still reacting in the same distressed and frightened ways.
No number of questions asked received answers that made any sense and so I studied Equine Behaviour. This unleashed horrific understanding of what the domesticated horse suffers at our hands, mostly unknowingly, which lead to fervent research into the “kinder” methods of training. There is much said about the “partnership” of horse and rider, using equine psychology as its foundation, which in the most part, is hugely misleading, misunderstood and misinterpreted.
However, I found with Jenny’s way of teaching, is that she teaches the tools of true partnership, where both parties have an equal say in the matter, and an equal part to play. She teaches the skills to enable US to empower our horse to find his/her voice, to allow communication with us, from which comes peaceful trust and a happy willingness to enjoy being and doing things with us, and she teaches US to be empowered to know exactly what is right for us and this horse, and us and that horse. Each is different and we learn all the skills to know what is right for each individual combination. With your new skills, you will always find the right way to release and enjoy your horse’s abilities, and your own.
In addition, we are taught how to undo the damage caused from previous life experiences, be it our own or our horses. As a behaviourist, this has given me a new dimension to helping overcome difficulties, or problem behaviours. Rather than just understanding why and being able to suggest changes to help horse and owner, I am now able (and so is everyone else), to UNDO, or RELEASE the memory both mentally and physically, of a past trauma. This “release” part, is incredibly healing for our horse, and allows us to learn new things together without the usual underlying problems, without the mystifying “what am I doing wrong”, or “why will my horse not do this thing”.
I know of no other who teaches this amazingly empowering way to be with horses, for me it is The School of Horsemanship Life Skills.
– Caroline, Portugal (from Caroline prior to joining our staff)
I feel honoured and special, that from that early first on line programme, I was a part of it, I learned and experienced such wonders with your guidance and wisdom and it was a life changing pathway to discovering who I REALLY AM, and who I know I could be, without continuing to carry life’s trunk-load of crap and other people’s opinions of me. I know I wouldn’t have dealt with the latest BIG situation (you know the one), in the same surprisingly easy way, and in the process, discovering yet more about myself and my beliefs.
– Caroline, Portugal
I feel Jenny is teaching me to be the horsewoman I want to be, and am able to be being the person I am, rather than teaching me to train a horse her way which I think is why I haven’t done too well with other teachers.
It takes a bit of courage because there’s a bit of undoing and letting go to do. I have been skirting round Jenny’s work for a year or so because I knew I was going to see things which I didn’t want to see. But now, seeing my horse slowly unveil himself and to feel the growing compassion we have for each other’s stuck spots is worth everything. And the support from Jenny and the on-line community is phenomenal.
– Amanda, NSW, Australia