We feel other people and other being’s stuff (even the earth herself if that’s part of our journey) as a routine part of our inner guidance system – the same feelings with which we Feel our own guidance. In fact – feeling other people’s stuff IS part of our Inner Guidance system – telling us that there is something to know or do – for or about that other person / other being.
And just like when it’s our our own feelings, when we understand what it is that we need to know or do—for or about them—then pffft the feeling just disappears. Each of us is playing our part in another’s journey, being the catalyst for one of OUR OWN change places on the way to OUR OWN dream too.
When you look at the diagram, remember that all the small lines across our path to our goal, are things that have to change in order for us to reach our goal or dream. I call them change places. And it’s your Feelings that will guide you through the change place.
This diagram makes more sense if you’ve already seen the diagrams that explain the concept of change places and how we manifest change.
Can you see in the diagram how sometimes you’re feeling their stuff as something that has to change in order to help YOU reach YOUR dream? And that sometimes it’s part of THEIR change place on the way to THEIR dream too too?
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