There’s Knowledge and then there’s Wisdom and with Fast Track, you get both.
Knowledge is about information. There’s lots of people with lots of information in the horse world and a lot of it is conflicting. We need to know what’s right for US and this horse.
With Wisdom comes the skill to know HOW to use all that information – WHEN it’s the right timing and WHETHER it’s actually right in these unique circumstances, for you and your horse, together.
Wisdom used to be all about experience, which took a lot of time to accumulate and a lot of trial and error and some of those errors can be very costly in emotional upset as well as money.
What you will learn on Fast Track is how to access your INNER Wisdom, which is always there, no matter how much experience you have or don’t have. And that’s part of the “Feel” for your horse that Corey was raving about in that section about Ordinary people being Extraordinary.
You’ll see quite a few photos of Hannah scattered around this website. She was already a beautiful rider and she had a LOT of knowledge when she won the GoldStar scholarship. With the Fast Track program, she learned how to develop her Inner Wisdom.
Here’s what Hannah said:
A year ago I couldn’t even catch my horse. And then I met Jenny Pearce – embarked on her program—and began glimpsing the beauty of pure connection with horses that I’d only dreamed of.
Hannah connected with her horse differently, deliberately developed her Inner Wisdom, listened and took action on what she heard and developed her horsemanship to a whole new and very beautiful level.
In The Fast Track Program you get:
♦ More than 8o lessons – a mix of interactive audio and video lessons for the wonderful magnetic riding seat that I keep raving about and lessons to help you to help your horse systematically de-stress their life and become that happy co-operative partner.
You’ll get access to the entire Fast Track program so that you can work faster at your own pace, if that’s your preference and you keep that access “forever”. While you’re exploring those lovely changes with your horse, we help you to keep the lessons in your mind, by sending lesson links to your Inbox once or twice a week.
♦ A student only forum that contains vast amounts of specialized support for problem solving, extra lessons and a lovely community of like minded people. I can’t emphasize how special it is to have the support of a whole community of people who are either centered or know how to find it. This is an incredible resource. There’s a whole section with questions and answers on individual Fast Track lessons. As at March 2019 there were also 34 Extra Lessons from Jenny on a vast number of topics and problems.
♦ There’s an invaluable archive of seminars going back years on the forum – a treasure house of lessons and live discussion. I often do short sessions of working with people one on one in a live seminar and Fast Track people get priority – it’s part of my absolute commitment to make sure that everyone on Fast Track develops their Feel with their horse.
You can join in as often and for as long as you like, live or recorded – it’s totally up to you, there are no restrictions. There are people who are still joining in for the cameraderie years later and we constantly develop new information, add lessons and find different ways to explain things.
♦ Access to live teaching – for the specially difficult problems, you have the opportunity for paid one on one sessions available with me or our seriously wonderful other staff.
♦ My “Love this program or get your money back” Guarantee.
Also part of the Fast Track Program
♦ Oliver’s Diary – There’s eight lessons in this set. You’ll read about and sometimes watch live footage of what turned Oliver from a dangerous horse with “a screw loose” into my giant teddy bear.