This article is about happy stomach bacteria for dogs, rather than my usual pet passion of happy stomach bacteria for people.
Dogs need happy stomach bacteria too, for their optimal digestion and the way they get that naturally is by burying RAW bones and digging them back up when they’re nice and smelly. THAT’s the dog’s version of happy bacteria and no, that’s not YOUR version of happy bacteria, so you can breathe again lol!
I’m no dog expert in terms of intellectual knowledge, but I’ve treated quite a few dogs who live mostly inside the house, whose fragile digestive systems have been caused by not getting the dog version of happy stomach bacteria and have been solved by letting them outside with their dirty old bones.
Even those tiny toy dogs who live in a handbag are real live dogs, with a dog’s digestive system. (OMG I have a mental picture of a priceless Hermes handbag filled with tiny old smelly dog bones lol!)
AND… Have you noticed how often it’s simple things that solve even big problems most effectively?
Tell me your bone stories in the comments. I’ll bet there’s some funny ones amongst the medical horror stories! Speaking of medical horror stories, this is a good moment to remember – Please only feed RAW bones, vets surgeries are too often filled with dogs who’ve managed to get their paws on cooked bones.
Click here for one of my other passions – the MASSIVE healing possibilities in happy stomach bacteria for people with all kinds of serious health conditions. It can also have an ENORMOUS impact on depression specifically. That link is one of the emails from my new book Holy shit is that really true?
June McIntosh says
I give each of our dogs, Lucy and Rigsby, raw beef soup bones about once a week. (The backyard is a veritable graveyard.) Lucy takes her bone, buries it, and then waits for an opportunity to steal Rigsby’s bone. He doesn’t know how to bury bones. However, he does know how to dig them up!
jennyp says
I bet he does – a bone thief lol!
Sue says
Probably not the reply you were looking for, ie no bone story,lol, but I am curious!
How do horses aquire happy stomach bacteria for themselves , naturally?
jennyp says
I’m not sure Sue. That thought did flick through my mind while I was writing the article. I know they DO have happy important stomach bacteria and I know that the modern medical idea of a “poo transplant” came from the horse industry, where old horseman and women have for centuries used the manure of a healthy horse to repopulate the stomach of a sick horse with healthy bacteria. So I wonder if they naturally acquire it by grazing around other horse’s poop if they need it? I got to say I don’t know though!
Sue says
Never thought about it in any depth until I read this blog . Certainly I have known a sick horse to eat a well horses poo , but surely there must be additional plants that they eat in the wild ( beside high fibre low sugar grasses) that assist the maintenance of good bacteria in the hind gut , or maybe it is more a case of maintaing correct PH levels?
Brumbies seem to do well on native grasses but they do a lot of foraging as well, I have seen them digging up and happily eating chicory, fennel and marshmallow roots, and also quite a bit of tree bark and even branches but I am not sure what the trees were. Maybe hawthorn? Bracken is a plant that I have always been told not to let my horses eat and yet I have frequently seen wild horses eating bracken and ferns. They also eat quite a bit of dirt which would I imagine have oodles of good bacteria.
jennyp says
There you go – they do eat healthy poo! Woww! Good to know all of that food stuff too. Grazing pasture for our domestic horses is so often restricted to a very few and very rich varieties – it’s no wonder horses struggle on that pasture hey.