You’ve thought about all the things that you care about and hopefully you’ve written down things that you’d like to create or change. If you haven’t done that yet, you might like to hit the previous page button and attend to it. This is different than you’ve ever done before – the things you care about are going to come up over and over again through the book and you’re going to have fun watching them change and come to fruition.
Today we’re going to take the first step into an experience of conscious creating. Look at the most important thing on that list of the things that you care about and allow yourself to wonder “Is it really true that I can change that, achieve that, create that, have that?”
I don’t care how big or small that thing is. I don’t care whether you don’t think it’s something that you have any influence over. Don’t worry about the “how” of it yet. That “how” has nothing to do with your Care Factor.
Wonder about it with me as you’re reading. “Is it REALLY true that I can change that?”
Just simple curiosity. “Is it REALLY true that I can change that?”
And then get on with your day, knowing that you’ve just put a turbo charge underneath the things that you care about creating or changing.
We’re going to come back to this with more understanding of what a big deal this is, later in the book.
Today’s photo reminds me that if it really is true that I can change the things I care about, it would be like moving from a closed and limited world like these fish live in, to living in the vast wondrousness of the whole ocean. This is another of Marie Richards lovely photos.