Think back to those Care Factor things that you wrote down at the beginning of the book and specially notice that Care Factor thing you’ve been bringing into our experiences throughout the book. Notice anything that’s changed. Are “difficult” people behaving differently? Are there conflicts that were resolved? Assholery not such a worry?
What parts of this creation have become easy and are there any stuck bits still to attend to? Need support? Get thee to a live event! 🙂
Or re-do “An experience in willingness” that will help you unblock that change place.
Are you finding it easier and easier to slide into curiosity and willingness into the guidance of your thoughts and feelings?
Are you feeling more peaceful, powerful, happy while you’re on the way to achieving something, creating something? Are you enjoying creating this life and world that you want?
I’ve opened comments on this page for questions, support and sharing experiences, with the “negative” just as important as the “positive”.
This photo brings us full circle. It’s Marie Richard’s lovely composition that we used way back at the beginning of the book when we turbo-charged our Care Factor. It made me look twice, which fits beautifully with our subject, because it’s about noticing what’s changed.

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