This is a free healing meditation – a combination of meditation specifically designed for healing AND for receiving reiki from my reiki healing grid. If this is your first time here, you’ll find information on reiki and how the reiki grid works and most importantly, how to use it (you have to email me, see below.) There’s also some thought provoking stuff about how our bodies work that could be incredibly important to people who have serious health issues.
There’s also a written version of the meditation below, which includes the words to the mantra that Deva & Miten are singing and a link to their website to get more of that beautiful chanting. Please note, we have special permission to use their music in this meditation.
If you have any trouble with the audio player, click here for an alternate recording.
What is reiki?
Reiki is an ancient healing modality that accelerates the natural healing ability of the body – sometimes phenomenally. Like electricity, Reiki can’t be seen – yet its effects are just as profoundly felt. (You can read more about it here.)
How my reiki grid works
When you ask me to put you in the reiki grid, it’s like I’m surrounding you with a bubble of the reiki healing energy that you can draw on whenever you want or need. You DO need to ask me to put you in the grid to unleash all of this healing. There’s no cost, no catch, just email me and ask. You don’t even need to tell me what’s wrong with you if you don’t want to, although you’re welcome to say g’day and tell me your story. Click here to email me.
Eventually this healing meditation will become a part of and a support to the new book coming out later this year – Practical Happiness for Animal Lovers.
Once I’ve put you in there, there’s three ways of using the reiki grid:
- You can deliberately draw on the reiki energy the way I guide you to do in the meditation below. Reiki and meditation separately are lovely ways of consciously amplifying your body’s healing ability and when you combine them it escalates even more.
- You can just put your hands on yourself and ask for “the healing energy in Jenny’s reiki grid”, without doing this meditation at all. Your intention to receive it is all that’s needed to start the process.
- I am normally passionate about conscious permission to do healing work. The reiki grid is one exception to that because of how it works. So if you’re worried about someone, you can ask me to put them in the grid. In that case, because they’re not drawing on the grid deliberately, they are “just” surrounded and influenced by all that beautiful energy and any time their spirit calls out for help, the energy will run.
You can do this meditation as often as you want or need. There’s download instructions below if you need them.
The grid is a physical thing, that sits beside my desk so I can keep an eye on the energy running in it and it means that I can support a whole heap of people without any draining of my personal energy. For the 24 years that I’ve been a reiki practitioner, the reiki grid has always been a gift to others. If you’re interested in learning reiki healing for yourself, you can check it out here.
Rapid healing
Rapid healing can be uncomfortable – that’s why we decide to be gentle on ourselves. We DO NOT want to stop this rapid healing. You can bring balance to rapid healing without actually stopping the healing process. The awareness of how to support your body during rapid healing combined with the flow of reiki energy can bring balance to the healing itself so we’ll attend to that during the meditation as well.
Our bodies are amazing.
And when you think how miraculously they’re designed, I bet you’ll shake your head in wonder too.
1. We have an automatic system that creates new cells. How brilliant is it? When we have a great big hole in our flesh and even snap a bone and the cells reach across the chasm, creating a bridge to the other side and voila! the wound is healed, the bone is mended. AND that wondrous joining tissue – the scars – are stronger than the original and that’s just one example of the way we create and use new cells.
2. We have a communication system that is the envy of computer programmers. Automatic information runs up and down our spinal column and through our nerve system – a two way information superhighway, communicating with bones, muscles and organs. Our endrocrine system – our hormones and brain chemicals are another vital part of this superhighway that gives us access to conscious information and adjusts our systems automatically.
3. We have a drainage system to get rid of crap (no pun intended) that we’re either finished with, don’t need or don’t want in our bodies. Starting with the tiny cells in our body, supported by various organs and the lymph pathways, our body has the ability to expel things like a splinter in your finger for example and to drain out unwanted residual stuff from food and anything else our body wants to get rid of. And all this happens on auto pilot, with our bodies making constant fine adjustments all by itself.
4. And we have an immune system that knocks my socks off – that pulls these other systems together in a wondrous dance of power.
So think about it… We don’t want to turn off our body’s ability to create new cells – even if, for example, we have a tumour or when our body is laying in the extra bone that when it hurts is called arthritis. We don’t want to turn off our bodies ability to communicate with itself, even if that communication is painful. We don’t want to turn off our bodies ability to eliminate the things that would cause harm otherwise – even if that abscess or that rash or that diarrhea is driving us crazy.
So what CAN we do?
The answer is to keep in mind the perfection of the way our body was designed and ADD to that.
We just want to get to the bottom of whatever symptoms are feeling uncomfortable. We want to get to the bottom of whatever is causing us di-stress, dis-ease and pain. We want to be able to let go the stress and tension that we’ve been storing in our body. We want to understand how to bring this amazing body of ours back into balance. We want to flow with that change and notice how we can ADD to the sheer beauty of the way our body works.
I’ve known people who have found that point of change so fast, it was called a miracle. And for others it’s been a process of finding peace in the process itself, in stages.
And no matter what is “wrong” with you, someone in the world has already found their way to inner peace with that condition and found all the wondrous healing possibilities therein.
If you have a horse
There are two reasons your horses are worth their weight in absolute gold:
- Within 55 metres of a relaxed horse, our breathing slows, our heart rate evens out and raised blood pressure starts dropping. (See Ann Baldwin’s research on the HeartMath website.) So it gives you another thread to add to the healing power of this meditation when you take it out to your horse.
- The same Feel for your horse, the inner awareness that we teach here that makes you seriously good with horses, is the same inner awareness that can be used to bring us to improve our own health as well as our horse’s. Getting really good at understanding and using our inner awareness as a guidance system most commonly occurs in stages, getting better and better at it the more we practice. And our horses are masters at helping us to do that. You can check out our Training Programs at the top of this page.
Other animals
Dogs and cats and all kinds of other animals, when they are relaxed, also have a positive influence on your body systems – as does the beach, big old trees, laying looking at the sky and being out in nature generally – any way of connecting with mother earth.
Your reiki healing meditation
There’s a written version of the meditation below, that can make it easier for our friends who have English as a second language. 🙂 When you repeat this meditation, you might like to sing along with Deva Premal’s beautiful mantra – you’ll find the words in the written version of the audio. The energy of this healing mantra that is thousands of years old and the pacing of your breath to sing with her can itself add to the healing. If you love her voice and the power of chanting as much as I do, you can find more of Deva & Miten’s music here and to go to a live concert… wow… it’s just magical.
You can download the meditation to your computer and then on to your phone or other mobile device, by right mouse clicking on this link and “save link as” or “save target as” or whatever your program likes to call it. Then follow the prompts to save it. You’ll find it in your Downloads file, labelled “Reiki-healing-meditation”.
And you’re welcome to pass this beautiful meditation along to your loved ones. If they register their email, they’ll also get a very occasional email about any further reiki and healing meditations and the new book too when it comes out.
Written version of the audio.
Here’s what we’re going to do in this meditation – we’re going to flow WITH all the beautiful ways that our body heals itself. We’re going to be gentle on ourselves and bring our body’s ability to grow perfect new cells into balance as much as is perfect for today. We’re going to bring our body’s ability to communicate with itself into balance as much as is perfect for today. We’re going to bring our body’s ability to eliminate the things that no longer belong there, back into balance as much as is perfect for today. We’re going to bring our immune system into balance as much as is perfect for today.
We’re going to let go however much stress and tension that we’ve been storing in our body, that is perfect to let go of right now. We’re going to ADD to our understanding of how to support this amazing body of ours back into balance. We’re going to flow with that change and notice how we can add to the sheer beauty of the way our body works.
Being able to find a Quiet Mind no matter what is going on in our lives is SUCH a wonderful skill and finding the easiest trigger for you to drop into it any time that you want, is a really good deal.
One or more of these ways of feeling inside yourself will usually work better than others – so just notice which ways are easiest for you to feel what’s going on inside your body.
Breathing in and out, gently focusing on the out breath… Noticing what’s happening to your body on the outward breath -just noticing the way that the lower part of your ribs just squashes the breath out of your lungs. And don’t do that on purpose, just notice the way that your ribs are moving the air from your lungs.
Notice as you’re paying attention to your outward breath that the movement of your ribs is becoming easier, more relaxed and more flowing.
Notice the tiny little pause that is starting to come at the bottom of your out breath, where for just a split second, you don’t need to breathe in at all. And you’re not doing that on purpose.
Keep smiling with your eyes and noticing that pause that may or may not be there yet, at the bottom of your out breath.
Now see if you can feel your heart beating … and if you can’t quite feel that, then just imagine that you can. Remembering that one or more of these ways of feeling inside yourself will suit you better than others.
Now be aware of any Energy flowing around your body, feel for any sensations of energy in your hands and down your legs into your feet. Smiling ahhh eyes, knowing that your own unique talent for feeling inside yourself, will flow easily.
Notice any feelings, any warmth, any physical feelings in your body, can you feel the movement of the hairs on your arms, the feeling in your body as you smile with your eyes. Notice everything about how good it feels to smile with your eyes like this.
Paying gentle attention to your outward breath.
And notice any emotions, just gently notice everything and allow all of it to gently flow.
Be aware of any thoughts or ideas that float across your mind, just notice them and allowing them to flow too. Like our breath and our heartbeat and our energy, our thoughts – even our worries – are always a good deal – they’re just another way of experiencing connection to ourselves and to others. So allow them to float through your mind, all the way to the pure gold of the understanding at the bottom of them.
So whatever your strongest way of feeling is today as you have been feeling inside yourself, whether it’s breathing that’s easiest, or feeling for your heartbeat, or feeling the energy move around your body, or noticing your emotions – just observing them. Or allowing your thoughts to gently drift across your mind – continue to notice everything about how you feel right now, with your smiling ahhh eyes that are sooo… aware of the perfection of the way your body heals itself and you’re going to relax and flow WITH that healing.
Smiling with your eyes. Now gently decide to draw on the beautiful energy in that reiki grid for extra support. That’s it… Smiling ahhh eyes. If energy’s your thing to notice, notice that flow of the reiki energy into your body, or notice the warmth of it, and the rightness of it.
Allow yourself to be aware of your whole body, knowing how perfectly your body works at its own healing, flowing with the reiki and the perfection of that healing,
Smiling with your soft ahhh eyes, LOVING the way your body heals itself,
Smiling with your soft ahhh eyes, BEing One with the way that your body heals itself.
For the next few minutes, allow the beautiful voice of Deva Premal and the Om Ram Ramaya mantra and this beautiful reiki healing energy, to bring you balance to the healing ability of body, your mind and your spirit.
…This is Deva and Miten singing the Om Ram Ramaya… This mantra activates balance, strength and healing in the body. The sound Ram brings powerful balancing and healing qualities directly into your physical body, mind and emotions.
The words to the chant:
Om bhur bhuvah svaha tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.
Deva has the voice of an angel doesn’t she? Still paying gentle attention to that outward breath, feel down to your feet while you’re sitting there and feel how they feel on the ground, flex your toes and really feel into the ground with them. Flex all your feet and give them a good wriggle.
Then stand up and continue feeling your feet on the ground and flexing your toes and notice how feeling your feet like this does nice things for the rest of your whole body.
You might have to take your earphones off for this next bit. Then go for a very slow walk around, being VERY aware of what your body feels like and the feel of your feet on the ground, flexing your feet and specially your toes and do this for as long as it feels good to do it. This is part of processing the healing that you’ve just experienced.
And if you’re stuck in bed listening to this, then smile with your eyes and think of mother earth, listen for the birds, feel the air on your skin, move what parts of your body that you CAN move…
Then all of you, take this healing, this relaxation and quieter mind out into the rest of your day.
Allison says
I did Jennifer’s reiki healing meditation like normal, felt nothing at first, abt half hour later laying on my side I felt a needle jab pain in the lower back and dull throbbing, fell asleep with it, woke up at 8am on my right side, the side I could not sleep on for months due to a pinched nerve causing a burning like pain in my thigh, fell back to sleep and didn’t feel it again.
I Sooooo hope the reiki has released the nerve!
jennyp says
My comment on facebook was woohooo! You rock or something wasn’t it? And for the info of people here who aren’t familiar with the story it’s a long standing back injury of many years and you’ve been using the meditation daily to help you with relaxation and the pain, for quite a few weeks. It’s a credit to you. <3
Allison says
Yep a horse fell on me 20 years ago, landing on my hips / pelvis area, burst 2 vertaba, one out to the left one to the right also causing arthritis in my lower back and both hips, oh and c12? in my neck.
jennyp says
So how much progress do you think you’ve made?