The ability to reverse aging is a paradox. The seeming contradiction comes from the fact that the more we focus on aging as a “problem”, the bigger the “problem” gets. We get more of what we focus on hey? Simple law of attraction.
And yet the contradiction is also that what I see people settling for in terms of aging, like inflexible, stiff, sore bodies and swollen aching joints and a whole range of illnesses, isn’t really natural aging at all, it’s an accumulation of what I call blockages to healing, that are slowing down our body’s ability to heal itself in the way it was designed. And don’t get me started on what’s REALLY going on when a doctor tells you that this illness that’s popping up to bite your rear end in your 60’s, is genetic! I’ll do that topic another day – remind me if I take a bit long to get to it for you.
Those blockages to healing can very often be reversed. In fact, from the experiences of 23 years in the alternative healing industry, and understanding that there are some things that can’t and aren’t meant to be fixed, MOST blockages to healing, MOST often CAN be reversed.
So how can we reverse aging?
We horse lovers are in the box seat for this, but to understand HOW, first we have to look at how very many of these blockages to healing happen. And those of you who have been following my blog for a while, stop groaning, because I think I’m expressing this better than I have before!
Unresolved emotional stress (that leaves us feeling unhappy and lacking the depth of enjoyment of life we were designed for – that we were designed to experience no matter what’s going on in our lives)
that unresolved emotional stress causes physical tension (the stiff sore bodies)
the physical tension causes muscular tightness and even muscle spasm that pulls bones out of place,
that adversely affects our posture (we’re not as well balanced as we could be, our ability to move with ease can get severely compromised)
and THAT in turn wears our joints in ways that causes our bodies to send bone deposits there to do repair work (that’s arthritis folks, in case you didn’t twig)
and THAT in turn can cause deep bone ache as our body’s communication system screams “What the heck are you doing? Change it!” Hmmm That’s not the only thing our communication system screams about, but it will do for the purpose of this discussion!
So how do we change this cascade of crappy cause and effect?
You can come at reversing this sort of “aging” from so many different directions – with the variations in the healing journey being as many and as unique as you are – but the bottom line is, at some point, you have to address the unresolved emotional stress that started the whole cascade of crap in the first place. And no this doesn’t involve wailing and wallowing in old hurts that we’ve boxed up tighter than a drum and locked down deep in our bodies and our minds.
In fact, I was just talking to a friend in New Zealand this morning who had noticed a big change in me. She’d noticed that my violent and fearful childhood was “suddenly” no longer a background problem for me. I hadn’t even noticed the change, because it slipped in so sweetly. I’ve been teaching a Fast Track Masterclass with two gorgeous other teachers here – Sue Edebohls and Caroline Schillig. Teaching together like this has involved us … me really… to seriously and joyfully understand and celebrate our differences as teachers. In fact the whole Masterclass has been about all of us, students and teachers, finding new depths of enjoying who we are, by celebrating our glorious differences.
See… ALL the threads of my dna and the things that have happened to me, even the violence and the fear of my childhood – even the crappy things that I’ve done to others and regret – ALL of that comes together to make up who I am. Combine that with the mistakes that I’ve made, the things I’ve done right and the things I’ve done wrong – ALL of this makes up the gifts that I bring to my teaching. It makes up the gifts that I bring to my healing clinic. It makes up the gifts that I bring to my roles as wife, mother, friend, earth loving global citizen. Talking to Corey this morning, I recognized that understanding all of that stuff all the way to my bones, caused my childhood trauma to just let go, ever so sweetly and easily.
And I hadn’t even noticed until she pointed it out…
So what have horses got to do with this?
Horses made it possible for me to understand this whole process. They facilitated it. I shan’t get into the sentience of horses in this article or we’ll be here all day. I’ll stick to my side of it for the moment. My desire to be really good with horses drove most of these changes as I learned and continue to learn to Feel all of my feelings with confidence, unafraid of what I’m feeling, KNOWING that the Truth always feels good. My drive to be good with horses has meant allowing myself to Feel for them, finding confidence in Feeling for them, thus understanding them better and THAT was the catalyst to understanding myself.
Bless them from the tips of their ears, to their enormous hearts, all the way down to their dancing feet!
So what’s this got to do with reversing aging?
I’ve let go many blockages to healing over the years, reversing the aging caused by those bottled up old emotional upsets. Even as I write this blog this morning, from my new perspective of understanding just how BIG it is that my old childhood trauma has just slipped away with this new perspective, I can feel the cells in my body vibrating in a new rhythm and in a new life from this change that has “just” slipped in so sweetly.
p.s. I’ve just added a new category to our menu called “Older and Happier”. I look forward to adding lots more articles to it!
Today’s Photo is Sam Lynch’s gorgeous boy Jake – thanks for the use of the photo Sam!
I love this! ?
Thank you!
I’ve been studying reversing aging as well.. but through intermittent fasting and extended fasting.
Now time to incorporate my horses back into the equation.
Lenee ?
Love it Lenee! Our horses bring SUCH a gift to us…
They do! ??❤
Great post. Seems as though everything starts with trapped emotions. We all have them even the animals. Also, healing starts with forgiving yourself. We are always told to forgive others but we should start with ourselves. A great weight will be lifted from your shoulders.
We weren’t taught how to deal with our emotions, hey Deb? Forgiving ourselves, loving ourselves – same thing really. In fact I remember “loving yourself” being used as a derogatory term. Crikey! How not useful was THAT?
you talking to me by any chance?? !!
No but you did flick across my mind for one sentence! lol!
Lovely post, Jenny. Warm hugs to you!
I’ve almost completed reading The Brain’s Way of Healing, by Dr. Doidge. I bet you’d love it. I’m gobsmacked at all the examples of brain/body healing in so many riveting ways thanks to folks who are working WITH and supporting our brain’s wonderful neuroplastic ever-changingness and its oneness with the body.
“Everchangingness” a lovely new and very appropriate word Devoney, for what can happen when we work from the mind, body and spirit at the same time. I’ll pinch that if I may!