We’ve had three utterly monumental mental health breakthroughs in the Fast Track community just this week.
We horse lovers must be the luckiest people on the planet. Because we have a straight path to understanding and solving burnout, compassion fatigue, depression, even long term PTSD type experiences – and that path is brought to us by the grace of our horse.
Nurses, ambulance workers, police, masseurs, social workers, psychologists, wholistic therapists of all kinds (yes I mispelled that on purpose), the more sensitive you are, the better you are at your job, the more committed you are to helping others and making the world a better place, the more you feel the life squeezed out of you – or knocked out of you – until eventually you just can’t bear it any more.
Some of us don’t even notice until we’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Three utterly monumental mental health breakthroughs
This morning we were having a staff meeting about something else and were celebrating three utterly monumental mental health breakthroughs that had happened in our Fast Track community just this week and realized that we should be telling more people about what we already have in place to support all those special people helping others in the world, that are themselves doing it tough because of their work.
So here it is, Fast Track to Brilliant Riding. If you have a major burnout situation, or PTSD or a serious depression, you’re going to want to add some private sessions to the Fast Track program.
Click here to read more about Fast Track – make sure you tell me a little of what’s going on so we can talk about what other support you might need.
Click here to read about private sessions, the section on burnout is quite a way down the page.
There’s a monumental upside – as you find your own strength and confidence again, you’ll develop a fabulous relationship with your more confident horse and if you ride, you’ll take your riding to a whole new level. 🙂
Today’s lovely photo is by the portrait photographer Marie Richards in New Zealand. She has an affirmation horse calendar for 2020 that is simply gorgeous.
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