Why do we want to know the answers to those Magic Questions? Why do we want to understand our connection to others?
Right back on the first page, I said this book is a foundation for being able to be anything, do anything, and have anything that you want – designed to bring you the experience of happiness, the experience of extraordinary healing and the experience of being able to influence and change the world around you.
The diagram above explains the process of change to achieve that BIGGGG statement. Whether it’s the small everyday things like growing our own tomatoes or knowing what food our body needs at the moment to function the best or whether it’s the big world changing stuff like cleaning up the oceans, or peace for the women of Yemen, the process is the same – something has to change to achieve that thing that we care about.
And we’re always caring about something.
Our happiness depends on how our changes happen. There’s joy in those change places or there’s struggle and we’re going to be doing a lot of talking over the rest of the book about precisely how to find the inner peace, the ease and joy and how to reduce or even eliminate that struggle.
It starts with the way that we experience our connection to others. Even something as simple as growing our own tomatoes involves the bees, the tiny microbial creatures in the soil, the life in the sun and the water, the plant itself and the other creatures in the garden. We can work in harmony with those “others” or we can resist our feelings at each one of those change places, struggle to reach the outcome and make growing tomatoes harder than it needs to be.
Our ability to change even the really big world wide things that we care about, when we understand and work in harmony with others, is so powerful that it makes me smile whenever I think about it.
Are you smiling at me smiling?
Are you wondering if this could really be true?
What does this curiosity feel like?