Before we get into the first of our “understanding our connection to others” awareness exercises tomorrow, I want to talk about what to do each time you have an ahhaaa moment that happens either during or after our little exercise – a little exercise in time, big in impact!
If you’re sick of doing things harder or more often than you need to – if the idea of effortlessness appeals to you – then pause at every feel good, ahhaaa moment that comes along – allow your attention to travel around your body, notice EVERYthing about how good you feel inside, enjoy it and soak it up – for as long as that noticing and soaking feels good.
And if that’s for one glorious split second or buzzed out for an hour on the glorious high of it – however long it’s for – that’s perfect in this moment.
Soaking up those feel good feelings is what anchors each step into an effortless version of our new normal. It actually changes the neural pathways in the brain, which is what changes our auto pilot reactions. This is a seriously useful thing to do. (And that’s my Aussie understatement at work again there!)
Today’s photo: Can you just feel the freedom of this guy really soaking it up? The sunshine? The fish? The glory of how good he feels in that moment? HE didn’t need to create a habit out of feeling good like I did! Photo by Michelle Brannan of Finding Grace Photography was taken around Perth’s lovely waterways.