Oh mannnn… this is another biggie. I didn’t clutter up that picture with another “holyshitisittrue?” but you might like to be curious about the truth or not of this – for you – while you’re reading.
Our ability to feel each other physically is awesome. When it’s part of your unique natural talent, you can feel another’s tension – their physical blockages, their aches and pains and discomforts – you can physically feel it in your own body. We can get physical messages in just the same way as we get emotional messages. It’s our opportunity to understand someone deeply.
Mothers with Physical Feel as a natural talent can use the feeling of discomfort or pain in their own bodies, to understand their babies discomforts or pains and figure out what to know or do about it. Nurses with Physical Feel as part of their natural talent can use it to understand disabled or non verbal patients and to figure out what to know or do about it. It’s not limited to particular occupations though. Animal lovers experience the same thing IF Physical Feel is part of their unique natural talent. In fact it was my work with horses that brought this way of Feeling others to my conscious awareness.
Just like Emotional Feel, there’s an early physical warning signal that something wants attention (some people will experience that as a feeling of tension or shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat, although it’s unique to you, so don’t discount anything!) And just like with Emotional Feel, the same way you Feel the communication with your own inner self is the same way that you can experience your connection to others.
Just like with Emotional Feel – as soon as we understand why we’re feeling this other – pffft! the feeling, the tension, the pain, the discomfort, it’s gone. It’s gone because it was a communication from your Inner Guidance system and it’s simply not needed any more. More about the holyshitness importance of this tomorrow!
Gosh, this is so routine to me now that I almost glossed over how big this will be if it’s a new concept for you. If Physical Feel is one of your strengths, then it’s perfectly natural to experience your connection to others physically. Like all of your ways of Feeling, it’s a natural part of life and just one of the ways that you can use your Inner Guidance system to guide you through every day life, solving problems, resolving conflicts, and creating or changing something that you care about.
Today’s photo is a lovely capture of movement from Marie Richards from New Zealand. Did you guess what that was?