When Energy Feel is a natural part of the way that you experience your Inner Guidance system, then you’ll feel other people’s energy – in your own body – sometimes as clearly as if it is your own. When it comes to others, you’ll feel the sweet flow of energy between you when everything’s in harmony. So when you “suddenly” feel flat or blocked or stagnant or even building up to explosive, you might want to look around and ask yourself this variation of the Magic Questions:
- Whose feelings are they – mine or someone else’s?
- Why am I feeling them?
- What do I need to know for myself or about this person or animal?
- Is there some kind of action to take?
- Has it all gone yet, or is there still more to know or do?
Here’s the thing. Are you curious to know if Energy Feel is part of your Inner Guidance system? Are you curious to notice how that might work for both your and others’ benefit?
Today’s photo credit: Lassie from the re-made 2015 movie of that name, was based on the true story of a dog who found her way across thousands of kilometers to come home. How did this and other dogs, the salmon, the whales and the birds do the same thing? Scientists are thinking they’re following magnetic fields. Whatever you call it, they’re following the energy.
I’ve chosen this photo to link to Donna Eden – I’m a big fan. She’s the doyenne of energy work and wrote the book Energy Medicine for Women. She wrote to me “We had 3 large wonderful dogs when we lived full-time in Oregon, sadly since we went on the road, it’s just not been possible.” Click here for a youtube of her excellent daily energy routine. It’s a 12 minute youtube but only takes a few minutes once you’re familiar with what you’re doing.