Yep. This glorious opportunity again, but with an added emphasis this time. We think that creating the big stuff is hard, but this – this darned diagram with its “stuck in our Feel”, struggling stuff is WHY we think that creating the big stuff is hard.
It’s perfect to feel a blocked, flat, stagnant or ‘pent up heading towards explosive’ energy – THAT’s the message. It’s a message either for us, or it’s for or about someone else and when we understand it pfft! the blockage or crappy feeling energy disappears. It’s the STUCKNESS of that round and round struggling crap that I’m waving my arms around in my office about.
I’m sooo freaking excited at the thought of those of you with Energy Feel as a natural talent, using that sweet flow of energy within you and between you and others, to drive your joyful creation and change what you care deeply about – WHATever that is.