I’m thinking that most of you are going to be gobsmacked at what’s possible as we clear up or bypass limiting beliefs. These are beliefs that are literally UNtrue – what I also call the bullshit beliefs. They can apply to doing things like the guy in the picture – clearly anyone who’s lost a leg, who wanted to mountain climb but thought it wasn’t possible, would have been wrong – that would have been an UNtrue belief that was limiting their potential.
Our ability to influence what goes on around us is even bigger – UNtrue beliefs apply to all kinds of things around us that we don’t think we have any power over – whether that’s in the smaller everyday things of life or the big global stuff. We see it in horses all the time – when we change OURselves, the horses automatically react differently to us.
Limiting beliefs are insidious because they’re SUBconscious and most of the time we’re unaware of them. We don’t walk around saying to ourselves “Hmmm let me believe something that isn’t true and thus throw away my power to create something new or better or change what I care about.” They are SUB conscious.
When we align ourselves to the power of the universe, when we pay attention to our Inner Guidance system – i.e. when we awaken to the truth and power of the universe inside us – there’s not much that we can’t do or change or influence.
Oh gosh this is so important and so far reaching in our ability to create and influence change OUTSIDE of ourselves – beyond our wildest dreams – that we’re going to talk about this from several different directions through the rest of the book.
I pulled these photos off the net. I was looking for examples of personal goals and dreams that it would have been easy to have had limiting beliefs about. The goat like creature is an alpine ibex – he has split hooves with rubbery bits in them that act like suction cups. He and his hooves were the inspiration for the prosthetic leg for the amputee mountain climber that is in the adjoining photo.
Personal goals and dreams aren’t the only ways in which we limit ourselves though. There’s what I call the Big Picture stuff too – the possibility of peace in every conflict, the possibility of healing for the earth and anything else that you care passionately about.