Like the other stucknesses, being stuck in guilt actually gets in the way of us creating whatever it is that we care about. I’ll say that a little differently. If guilt is present in your life at the moment, then being stuck in guilt is actually getting in the way of the solution to the very thing that you care deeply enough to feel guilty about.
I don’t want to make light of the destructiveness that’s possible in this emotion, but can you get curious about whether that’s true or not? Because if it IS true, then it changes everything doesn’t it? Instead of being stuck, what IS guilt telling us?
And in our wonderful connection to others that we all experience in our own unique way, keep your awareness open – because even if you have good reason to feel guilty, it STILL might not be all your guilt…
Don’t allow this or any other stuck feelings to screw up this thing that you care so much about – bring it into one of our live events and get the flow of joyful creating happening again.
Our photo: I’m thinking you probably hadn’t thought of guilt as a missed opportunity OR of a sheep enjoying a swim on a hot day? This photo of Cassy the earless sheep is from Margaret Brown, who’s often breaking the mould over in Western Australia.