Guilt and shame – mannn… there’s some BIIIGGG and potentially corrosive stuff tied up in these emotions when they’re stuck. ALL of our feelings are utterly unique to us and our circumstances. To find peace of mind and happiness takes recognition of that uniqueness AND going inwards for the unique inner guidance that takes into account EVERYthing about ourselves and everything about the other.
I’m not going to presume to try and reduce these emotions into mere words, but I do want to say this. The damage done to people’s bodies and lives by the STUCKness of these emotions is huge AND… I’ve never had one person out of what must be thousands by now, feel pain when those feelings were understood. I PROMISE you, the Truth ALWAYS feels good.
What I CAN tell you is that I often see shame experienced by people who have suffered at the hands of another and in these circumstances, the odds are that it’s not yours and there’s something to know or do about someone else. Click here for a chapter adapted from my book Pathway to Heaven that gives an example of that. Sensitivity alert – this chapter is about a young woman’s understanding around sexual abuse.
If you find yourself stuck in this feeling, then maybe you’d like to join us in one of our free Live Events. To talk to me live means having a headset with a microphone that works if you’re on Web Call or come in on one of the local call cost international phone numbers that I make available – there are instructions on every Live Event email about that. If you need something more private, you’ll find private session details in the menu at the top of every page on our website.
Photo: Animals in general and horses in particular are so good at helping us find the quietness in our mind that we often need in order to understand some of these big issues. This is Blue Eyed Nell playing in the snow long ago, photo by Ulrika in Sweden.