The potential for joyfully creating in anger is limitless, as is understanding all the causes of anger. I can’t wait to bring all those threads to your attention! Well I can wait, but I’m wriggling in my chair with delight at the thought! Let’s start with this one.
All the other emotions intensify into anger when we ignore or suppress them – fear, frustration, grief, sadness, guilt, envy – all of them – all these layers of not understood, un-acted on feelings intensify into anger, each layer building on the next, until the anger is screaming at us about whatever it is that has to change, to create what it is that we really care about.
Let’s come at this from a different direction – fear, frustration, grief, sadness, guilt, envy – you name it, they are all guidance through one of life’s change places – and all of them intensify into anger when we ignore or suppress them. So vast amounts of the anger we experience is our inner guidance system screaming at us about what it is that has to change, to create what WE really care about.
In these circumstances, can you see that we think we’re angry at someone or something else – when really what we’re angry about is being stuck in that round and round in circles struggling place?
Are you curious to know whether this is true and how it might apply in your life?
Our photo: The words in the picture “All the other emotions intensify into anger when we ignore or suppress them.”
The photo was taken by Lauren Lee Sarlya from Fremont California who’s part of our lovely horse community. Lauren’s connection to animals is deep and heartfelt – she’s an animal communicator who helps people understand their animals more clearly and teaches too. You can find her on Facebook. This photo made me think about the anger that’s not really anger – maybe we don’t need to be frightened of the tiger in us after all?