Pause for a moment and think of something you’ve been angry about recently. Yeah, right now. Do the pause thing, because the next part is going to apply to what you’re thinking about.
Pause and pay attention to your outward breath.
And another breath.
OK, about this thing that you’ve been angry about. Can you see that you cared enough about it, to get angry?
Was it stuck anger that was directed outwards at someone? Or was it stuck anger that you pushed down inside and seethed about? Or was it stuck anger that you’ve numbed yourself to, because anger is scarey or causes so much pain and / or trouble? If it was any kind of stuck anger, then creating what you care about is stuck too.
It doesn’t matter whether the thing that you care about is as small as a clean house or as big as the state of the oceans, if it was stuck anger then creating what we care about is stuck too.
It’s no freaking wonder we’ve had such trouble manifesting the stuff that we care deeply about, hey?
Yeah I told you this was BIGGG…
The solution?
It starts with simple curiosity “Is this true?”
More curiosity “what feelings of our inner guidance system could REALLY be behind this stuck anger?”
And when you’re ready “How do …I… find the understanding and creative power of the Heart Anger to change what I really care about here?”
I’ve got a Quiet Mind to support people around anger, that’s freely available should you need it – just hit reply to this email and ask and of course, come into a Live Event if you’re in a hurry.
The photo is Avis Falcinella’s lovely mare Lacey. I’m smilingly calling this “stuck in the mud” (which she wasn’t really, she was enjoying herself). I thought that the expression “stuck in the mud” is a good metaphor for the stuck anger that literally blocks the things we care about changing or creating.