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Ask your question, spin the wheel and get your number. Scroll down the list, click the link and enjoy your message!
1. BE the change you want your horse to be
2. Grace
4. Meditation
6. What if?
8. What do you need to do differently?
11. Karma’s a bitch
12. We don’t need chaos to change
13. Choice is where the joy is
16. Look out for the baby horse
18. What’s BEHIND bad behavior?
19. Beliefs
20. Your perception is everything
21. Appreciation as a path to Gratitude
22. From manure we grow beautiful things
23. We attract what we focus on
24. The rightness behind the wrongness
25. When something is Not Quite Right
26. The Third Way
27. Creating lightness of spirit
28. Trying to think positive sucks
30. Is it yours?
32. The intensity doesn’t make it yours
33. Excitement and self sabotage
34. Forgiveness
36. Slow down
38. Baby steps
39. Communication communication communication
40. It’s JOY that is the spice of life
42. Life, death and new beginnings
44. The horse philosophy of mistakes
45. The exact moment
46. Ask the horse
48. Be clear
49. Horses as a spiritual journey
50. Power
51. Understanding difficult relationships
52. Where is the problem REALLY?
54. Preparation as a key to success
56. I am a healer
57. Personal growth
58. Horse as teacher
60. Notice what IS
61. Real leadership
62. On celebrating our differences
64. Peace on earth
66. Resistance
69. A better idea
70. Go to the Source
The glorious horses on the cards:
This photo is of Michelle’s favorite encounter with the wild stallion Paleface who she says is forever in her heart. You can feel him still, in the spirit of the mountains. The brumbies on these cards are from the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales, taken by the incredibly talented Michelle from Michelle J Photography. As you can see in this photo, Michelle is trusted by the horses who know her and Ian from their many hikes into mountains. You can find and follow her on Facebook here.
The thought I’d like to share, is that the life force that is within me is the same life force that is in these horses – gosh, we can FEEL that here in Michelle’s gorgeous photos hey?
The thing is, it’s also the same life force that is in the politicians and bureaucrats who govern the horses’ lives and when we treat them as the enemy we are perpetuating the struggle.
I see a sanctuary as a solution that requires no compromising by either side. I have a dream that these messages be a vehicle for that…