If you’ve been working with me around horses for a while, you’ve already had plenty of practice in understanding that when you feel into and open up to the understanding of whatever fear you’re experiencing – then the fear has done its job and just disappears.
It’s a simple process and the fear vanishes as quickly as you can say pffftt when you get the understanding and take whatever action you need to take – if any. If you’ve been working with me personally, you will have experienced the proof of that with your horses, over and over again.
Well it’s the same for ALL our fears – read on…
When it’s our horses it’s simpler, bless them. We feel their fear and the action we need to take to have them feeling safe, is almost always to back off – at least in the beginning.
And if you’ve been around me and doing this work for a while, you’ll have noticed that every time you’ve taken action to help your horse to deal with their fear that your own … errr… what shall I call it? … core fear from stored up old fears … has reduced – and that your feelings of peacefulness have been getting deeper and the good feelings are getting bigger for longer periods of time.
That feeling of using our fear to guide us to safety becomes a sweet normality of life with our horses when we decide to listen to our inner guidance system and use it to make ourselves and our horses safe.
And if you’ve got your eyes and awareness open, the same “using our fear to guide us to safety”, to understand where safety is and what you have to do to find it, will apply to your life outside of horses too.
And the same principle of “using our fear to guide us to safety and peace of mind” will apply to all the situations around the “insert the c word here.” I’m not even mentioning the c word, because I don’t want to attract the wrong kind of attention – although I will attempt to bring a bit of perspective to it in a minute.
And if you’re still afraid right now, of the “insert c word here” – you haven’t got the answer yet, because the right answer will ALWAYS bring you peace of mind. So you might seriously enjoy and benefit from the meditation below! 🙂
Fear damages the immune system
Fear damages the immune system and after 24 years in the alternative health industry, I can tell you that EVERY single weak immune system that I’ve come across in my work, has had a bucket load of suppressed fear at the bottom of it.
To strengthen the immune system you can do some practical things, but getting to the bottom of fear itself, is by far the most powerful thing to do.
There is absolutely no point in me telling you what to do with your fear. It’s yours and to find peace of mind – AND YOU CAN FIND PEACE OF MIND AND FAIRLY EASILY – you have to get the answer yourself. But I’m hoping that this article and the healing meditation below will help you to find both your answer and your peace of mind.
There’s four kinds of fear
We’ve got all kinds of labels for fear that speak to how intense the fear is and how old it is – scared, afraid, fear, anxiety, dread, fright, terror, panic – even concern is a description of mild fear.
But there’s four KINDS of fear:
1. Old fears – each old fear that we didn’t get to act on or make ourselves safe with – old suppressed fears add up one on top of the other and intensify every new fear. As you’ve noticed if you’ve been doing horse work with me, that’s been getting less and less over time as you listen to your inner guidance system to be safe yourself and help your horse be and feel safe too.
2. New fear – something that is causing a fear now, that you can use to make yourself safe. THAT folks is what fear is designed for, to listen to and use to make yourself AND OTHERS around you, to be and feel safe too.
3. Our connection to others – whether it’s people or horses or indeed any other animal, we experience others’ fear as a simple part of our connection to each other. It’s part of the wonderful experience of being able to take care of ourselves at the same time as having a wonderful impact on everyone in our environment. The action we take is the same – understand what we need to know or do about it – and pfffttt with the click of your fingers, it’s gone and peace of mind is the result.
4. Fear and excitement can collapse together and you can’t tell them apart. This is a whole other subject that I won’t go into here, but suffice to say this is the kind of fear people are talking about when they say “face your fear and do it anyway”. I hope so anyway, otherwise they’ll be making themselves unsafe! Personally, I enjoy them UNcollapsed, where I can feel into and appreciate, welcome and enjoy the excitement!
The thing to know about the c word
The thing that seems to be lost among all this panic is that all the virologists – the experts – who don’t have a vested interest in scaring the crap out of you – are reporting that the VAST MAJORITY of people who get “insert the c word” suffer symptoms NO MORE THAN A MILD COLD.
And before you reach for your keyboard, yes that’s cold comfort for those who have died of other things while they had “insert the c word here” at the same time.
Here’s the healing meditation
I’m going to do a meditation specially on fear, but this one (which includes balancing the immune system and releasing stress and tension) will do quite nicely. I’ve been getting some awesome emails about results that have made me smile A LOT and even shed a few tears of happiness. Feel free to download it and repeat as often as you like it’s completely money and obligation free.
The reiki healing grid that I talk about in here, is in a rolling state of replenishment. If you want to know more about reiki and the healing grid, here’s the original article with a lot more detail, here and that too, is completely money and obligation free.
In the meantime, feel free to share this powerful healing meditation with your loved ones.
Those gorgeous voices in the background are Deva Premal and Miten, with enormous gratitude for their permission to use it. Here’s the Om Ram Ramaya mantra they’re singing that activates balance, strength and healing in the body. The sound Ram brings powerful balancing and healing qualities directly into your physical body, mind and emotions.
The words to the chant:
Om bhur bhuvah svaha tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.
Right click on this link HERE to download and “save link as” in the drop down, follow the save prompt and you’ll find it wherever your downloads normally land – called Reiki Healing meditation. Somethings going on with the audio player – right when the most amount of people need to download it!
Today’s stunning painting is called Driven and it’s by the amazing artist Tracie Thompson. I chose it for the metaphor – that when we don’t understand fear, that we can be driven by something that we need have no fear of at all…
Felicity Wischer says
Perfect timing Jenny, as always. And my c word was “child” not the inferred “c” and letting go of that which fear that does not serve or have a place anymore
jennyp says
How lovely that the meditation is being so useful Felicity!
Julia says
Thank you so much Jenny for this meditation, it arrived at a perfect time when I was struggling to deal with my fears around this.
jennyp says
You weren’t the only one Julia. Everywhere I look, I see people terrified by something that “shouldn’t” be scarey. But how crazy to say that. Nobody can change that for someone else – UNLESS we provide the means for them to change it for themselves. And that’s my intention with this meditation. Thanks for your feedback sunshine…
Barbara says
Exactly what the doctor ordered, Jenny! What timing!
jennyp says
Oh mannnn Barbara I could feel the energy of all that fear, so I’m glad that the timing was right! Thanks!
mary says
brilliant Jenny, but I dont seem to have a download option, altho I think I may already have it but cant find where I have saved it !
jennyp says
How weird, it’s always been available before? I’ll put a separate link up. Give me two minutes!
jennyp says
The extra link is up now. Thanks for the heads up Mary! <3
Corey says
Holy YIKES. Are you on a roll or WHAT?!? Downloaded to my desktop so I can listen to every day……..
jennyp says
I’m working my not so little tush off Corey! Rocking with inspiration! lol!