Bringing balance to the healing ability of your body, your mind and your spirit. Below the audio you'll find how my reiki healing grid …
Shut the bloody gate!
Funny story prompted by my friend Cynthia Cooper at Natural Horse World - her horses got a gate open this week, only she had a back up …
My horse is scared of the wind
What a load of crap. Horses aren't scared of the wind! They have senses that expand to an awareness of everything around …
The features of a good horse trailer
Between teaching for 28 years now and earning my living trailer training at one time, mannn I came across some trailers whose design was not …
Ask me a question
You can ask about all sorts of training and riding issues, all kinds of horse and human health problems and problematic horse behaviors and …
Get perfect trot to canter transitions
There's a story behind this photo, that you'll see at the end of the article. Mannn... we have been taught some stuff about …
A gorgeous story of the joy to be found under every depression.
Aren't they the cutest friends ever? And no this is not the "she" I'm talking about. lol! She had suffered with the worst case of …
Get rid of the physical causes of depression and feel good instead. Part 1
From a small case of the "blah"s to a full on depression, attending to the physical causes clears the way to a MUCH easier fix. When …
New guidelines about anti-depressants change everything.
If you or a loved one are taking anti-depressants, then you don't want to miss this article about the why's and wherefores of these new …
She solved PTSD and depression with her horse work
She solved PTSD AND depression with her horse work as the foundation. I am filled with gratitude that Julia should want to share this, to …