It's not bragging if it's really true. Meet Mr Winx and Ryleigh. This is a follow up to the Animal Communication seminar, where you …
We just want to be heard
The ability to communicate clearly with your animal in an instant flowing way, is a gift of joy to both of you beyond imagining.. This …
July’s free seminar – Animal Communication
This makes a great "pay it forward" to every animal loving friend you have. Feel free to share this page. Have a chair that you can sit …
How did Hannah’s bridle-less experiment go?
If you haven't read them, these two previous articles lead into this …
It’s not bragging if it’s really true
Introducing a heart warming new category for our blog. I REALLY love bragging on people - it's a cross between loving them up, …
You and your horse can also experience that ease of healing
Have you listened to that foundation of healing for horses seminar yet? Did you notice that everyone got EXACTLY what they needed through …
The foundation of healing for horses – a live seminar
The foundation of healing for horses is the June free seminar this Sunday 7am Melbourne time. There's a way of increasing the chance of …
“Runnnn for the magnesium” she boomed
Lauren's Reba reminds me of the dog in this story. What a face! Wonderful things happening have been so routine around here for so long, …
When a fall off a horse tilts the uterus and pain is the result
I'm trying to figure out how to word this so my website doesn't get picked up by people I am NOT aiming at lol! OK here goes! There's …
May’s free seminar – the healing in a beautiful butt
Did that make you smile? Oh mannn... we surely can get a beautiful feeling butt! May's free seminar is super advanced sports psychology …