Could a MOSQUITO help her reach her dreams? There was alarm on her face when a mosquito buzzed around her before she even got in our door. …
When unbelievable is just routine – an interview with Anna- Karin
She's witnessed an incredible healing, used the same Feel for her horses with the children in her class to help these children experiencing …
A mini clinic at home on Feel for your horse
What if it was as easy for us to understand them as it was for Boots and Bobby in the photo? Feel for your horse is EVERYthing and the …
My very first podcast!
Maude & Rambo
joy and arthritis
Like almost everyone (me included), Maude didn’t know that such a deep and joyful connection to her horse even existed. Like almost …
What if we could find the solution to the Israel – Palestinian conflict by being brilliant with horses?
When you read the words in the heading and picture, I'm sure that some of you at least will be wondering if I'm some kind of crazy …
A change your life podcast not about horses
It's often said that we can't change other people but I disagree. I strongly disagree. In this podcast I give women a simple technique to …
Celebrate World Bitless Horse day with prizes galore
The best bitless bridle in the world and the best horse program to go with it... ... and they're both prizes to be won just by entering in …
Don’t worm a wormy horse on the full moon!
Brumbies in the Snowies by Michelle J Photography - you can see a lot more of these glorious creatures in our Horse Angel Cards - click on …
We’re gonna’ blow that pain away – August 2023 free seminar
Yes the words in the picture are a play on the title of the new book! I agonized about the title for the seminar, because I worried that …
A reiki healing meditation that you can do for others.
Today I'm gifting a specialized meditation designed for a deep connection and healing that you can send to a loved one - something that you …