Horse worms might be "euwww" but they are no longer the enemy. New research on horses and parasitic worms has produced surprising …
Answering this question could bring you everything you ever wanted with your horse
The answers to those three questions in the picture can bring you everything you ever wanted with a horse if you hold to them - if you make …
The gift of confidence is to be found in fear
Understanding fear dramatically reduces the dangers of horse riding. The very first thing to do, to get rid of those appallingly …
Is the healing ability of horses REAL?
Picture me laughing as I answer that question. The healing ability of horses has been under-rated and underknown by the vast majority of …
A bombshell ahaaa about riding
That writing on the picture is a bit of a shocker hey? Let me explain the wonderful thing that's coming out of it! I had a big …
Joy and depression in the same breath
So what is it that has to change about depression to find that joy? Sometimes it's something physical. I've put a link below, to …
Too much stallion in your gelding?
There's three types of rig in horses. My Bobby was a rig AND he was gelded properly. My best friend bred him, she was British …
Fix your dog pulling on the lead – gently
A dog pulling on the lead - this is a problem solving podcast interview with Sandy Rakowitz Dogs pulling on their lead is the …
A healing crisis is a wonderful thing
A healing crisis is a wonderful thing when it's happening to someone else! In the healing industry we call it a healing crisis when our …
Solved their very dangerous biting problem in one morning
This old article reminds me of the spectacular success that's possible with gentle and effective techniques for biting horses AND how the …