There are very few riders that could pull that off and if you're one of them, I take my hat off to your skill. There are very few …
The pros and cons of Rescue Remedy for horses & people
Using Rescue Remedy as a crutch when either we or our horse is scared of something can cause big problems if we use it to suppress the fear. …
A simple process to change assholery
Most everyone who hangs around here for long enough, pretty much gets that it's not a "bad" horse or even a "naughty" horse, because that …
How does your horse act when they’re afraid or confused?
How can you use that knowledge to create a deeper bond? AND... what might our horses teach us about understanding and celebrating our …
A healing meditation from my reiki grid
Use the knowing of the ways our bodies are already geared to healing to ADD to the sheer beauty and power of that healing. And then …
Shut the bloody gate!
Funny story prompted by my friend Cynthia Cooper at Natural Horse World - her horses got a gate open this week, only she had a back up …
My horse is scared of the wind
What a load of crap. Horses aren't scared of the wind! They have senses that expand to an awareness of everything around …
The features of a good horse trailer
Between teaching for 28 years now and earning my living trailer training at one time, mannn I came across some trailers whose design was not …
Ask me a question
You can ask about all sorts of training and riding issues, all kinds of horse and human health problems and problematic horse behaviors and …
Get perfect trot to canter transitions
There's a story behind this photo, that you'll see at the end of the article. Mannn... we have been taught some stuff about …