There's a story behind this photo, that you'll see at the end of the article. Mannn... we have been taught some stuff about …
A gorgeous story of the joy to be found under every depression.
Aren't they the cutest friends ever? And no this is not the "she" I'm talking about. lol! She had suffered with the worst case of …
Get rid of the physical causes of depression and feel good instead. Part 1
From a small case of the "blah"s to a full on depression, attending to the physical causes clears the way to a MUCH easier fix. When …
New guidelines about anti-depressants change everything.
If you or a loved one are taking anti-depressants, then you don't want to miss this article about the why's and wherefores of these new …
She solved PTSD and depression with her horse work
She solved PTSD AND depression with her horse work as the foundation. I am filled with gratitude that Julia should want to share this, to …
Practicing riding actually screws you up.
It's not practice that makes a really good rider - you can PRACTICE forever - it's BEing a really good rider that makes us a good rider. …
A love letter to dressage
Dressage - war or joyfulness? I had a Blinding Flash of the Bleeding Obvious this morning. It's no wonder that we're still …
Ride like the centaur of legends
Launching the new Fast Track to Brilliant Riding. Fast Track is a steadily building EXPERIENCE of being joyful, confident and …
Buck anxiety!
Wouldn't you love to do it like that horse in the photo? Just release all that pent up feeling and with a big flick of your feet feel …
I nearly wet my knickers – this works on chickens as well as horses!
You know all this wonderful fear and trauma release work that we do with horses that makes them so confident and happy? Well, it works …